What Are The Nutritional Benefits Of Barley Tea?

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Nutrition Blog

The aroma of a freshly brewed cup of barley tea is something that we should all experience at least once in our lifetime! However, if you form the habit of drinking barley tea on a regular basis you’ll get something much more than the incredible aroma — you’ll get great health!

Roasted barley tea has been drunk in Asian countries for hundreds of years. Touted as a healthier alternative to coffee, and having more nutritional benefits, it delivers both flavour and nutrition. Proponents of this type of tea say that it settles blood sugar levels, stimulates fat loss and enhances a person’s digestion.

People who are interested in drinks with therapeutic properties may be fascinated by roasted barley tea, which is known in Japanese as mugicha or in Korean as boricha. Barley tea is available in the following formats:

  • Loose grains,
  • Tea bags, or
  • Ready-made tea drinks.

Barley tea may be enjoyed warm or as a cold beverage. In Japan, people prefer to have it chilled as a summer cooler.

What Goes Into Barley Tea?

The main ingredient in barley tea is, of course, roasted barley. Barley is a whole grain which is grown around the world and is popular with healthy-eaters because of its high fibre content as well as its mild taste. The grain is simple to use in recipes and is used to produce bread and cereal. Barley is also fermented and utilised in the production of some alcoholic drinks such as beer as well as distilled beverages.

The flavour of barley tea is frequently described as light and nutty. However, some Korean tea makers include roasted corn in their recipe in order to boost sweetness. When corn is added, the tea is called oksusu bori cha.

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What Are The Health Benefits Of Barley Tea?

Roasted barley tea possesses high antioxidant levels. It’s also a great source of vitamin A, vitamin C, selenium, phytonutrients in addition to tryptophan. Lignans as well as other antioxidants in this drink fight oxidative stress, which is a significant contributing factor to ageing. These nutrients also provide protection against cellular damage, repair your hormonal balance and lessen the risk of heart disease.

Owing to its antibacterial properties, roasted barley tea helps to ward off infections. Vitamin C, which is one of its key nutrients, boosts immune function and keeps your skin looking young by boosting collagen levels. Vitamin A protects eyesight and slows down ageing.

Barley tea is especially beneficial when you have a common cold or flu. It can alleviate your symptoms and accelerate healing. It’s also utilised as a natural antacid, assisting with heartburn, nausea and indigestion. As barley tea boasts large doses of iron, potassium, niacin and folic acid, it’s perfect for pregnant women. Ferulic acid, which is an essential nutrient in barley, may inhibit tumour growth.

Some individuals drink roasted barley tea in order to lower their cholesterol levels, avoid tooth decay or enhance prostate health. Others think that it’s an outstanding sleep aid because of its high tryptophan content.

Contact Trifocus Fitness Academy

Do you want to learn about the nutritional benefits that other foods, besides barley, have? If you do, then you need to check out our Specialised Nutrition Certification. For more information, please follow this link.

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