How to give nutrition information to your peers

Personal/Fitness Training Blog

Get a few buddies together round a table, and ask them what foods are good (or bad) for you, and you’ll soon have a rather heated discussion. That’s because everybody has strong opinions about what constitutes the “ideal” diet. Even the experts agree. Says Dr Deborah Gordon: “I’ll start right off with admitting that it’s a little naive to imagine that there is a single “Ideal Diet” that works for everyone.” So then, how DO you have a constructive conversation about food and nutrition? Here are some tips.

1. Understand the guidelines

Each country develops a set of nutritional dietary guidelines. These set out the “ideal” diet that should be followed by the average person, so that he may achieve good health.  Understanding them means you understand the basics of good nutrition.

2. Get the facts straight

There’s hard science and then there are the nutrition myths and misconceptions that are bandied about by everyone. Fad diets, media, celebrity hype and the diet industries all cloud things further. So before you give any advice or information to anyone, make sure you have the hard facts – not simply the widely popularised and sensational ideas about food. That means you should do your homework. Research foods, superfoods, diets and supplement trends so you aren’t misled too.

What makes for good nutrition?
3. Set up your own trusted panel of experts

Yes – there is a lot of consensus out there about nutrition. But there is also a lot of disagreement too, on issues like what causes certain diseases, for example. It’s wise to make friends with a few trusted, experienced and qualified experts. They’re a valuable source of information.

If you’re really passionate about food and nutrition, then get qualified as a nutritionist yourself! Then you’ll be in the best position to give your peers information and advice. Check out Trifocus Fitness Academy’s Specialised Nutrition Certification today. Find out more here.