Improve Your Fitness with Exercise Science

Improve Your Fitness with Exercise Science
Personal/Fitness Training Blog

Exercise science is the study of human movement to improve or maintain physical fitness. It has been around for a great many years; and in that time, it has repeatedly revolutionised the way fitness professionals approach sports management, training, and nutrition. It has played a hand in youth development concerning children’s exercise and nutrition, and it has given us a more sound understanding of the human body. This includes the anatomy, physiology, movement and use of energy. But how can it benefit the average individual? Here are some ways to improve your fitness with exercise science.

Exercise Science knowledge benefits

Understand your own anatomy

Exercise science is an understanding of human physiology with a scientific approach to improving physical performance. It not only gives you knowledge of the makeup of your muscles, bones and joints; but also how they interact together during certain types of activities. With this kind of understanding, you can develop routines and techniques that will enhance your performance during workouts, sports or competitions. If you know exactly how your body works and what makes it tick, you can unlock the secrets to achieve your personal fitness goals.

Biomechanics and better awareness

Among other things, exercise science looks at biomechanics, exercise physiology, exercise psychology, cardiac rehabilitation, athletic training, and fitness for special population groups. Biomechanics is concerned with movement and the use of energy, and with a sound understanding of it, you can enhance your performance and develop more effective training routines. With biomechanics, you become more aware of how motion and forces affect the human body, specifically with muscle movement and balance. Biomechanics also gives you an understanding of planes of motion, which can be utilised to develop optimal movements during routines.

Physiology and fitness

Reaching your fitness targets is easier when you understand physiology, including the nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, cardiopulmonary and endocrine systems. Each system plays an important part in movement and in the circulation of blood and oxygen throughout the body. They also contribute to faster recovery times with activities that stimulate better nutrient synthesis in the human body. Understanding your physiology enables you to take advantage of your body’s strengths, but it will also help you realise when to take things easier.

You are what you eat

You can also improve your fitness with exercise science because it provides you with an understanding of how nutrition and diet affect bodily performance, specifically where stringent physical activity is involved. The study of exercise science tells you which foods are the best for enhancing performance, burning fat or building muscle. Naturally, the food you eat will depend largely on your fitness goals. With the correct dietary plan, workout results will be far more effective and closer to their benchmarks; which makes this an invaluable part of the science. When you know how to read and interpret food labels, you’ll know exactly which foods to eat and which ones to avoid because they’re bad for you.

Pass on your knowledge

You can even go one step further. By obtaining a qualification or accredited exercise science certification, you can help others to improve their fitness too. If you’ve ever considered becoming a fitness instructor, a foundational knowledge of exercise science will be highly beneficial. You will not only develop an understanding of the body, biomechanics and nutrition; furthermore you will also be able to conduct fitness assessments for your clients. With a qualification in exercise, you will gain expert knowledge in:

  • Anatomy: How are muscles made up? How do muscles, joints and bones work together for optimal movement?
  • Physiology: How do the different systems in the body function?
  • Biomechanics: How do forces interact with the human body? How do the muscles work?
  • Concepts of Fitness: Learn motivation techniques for personal training clients.
  • Assessments: Test clients’ cardio-respiratory endurance, muscular fitness and flexibility using well-known measuring methods.
  • Nutrition: Advise clients on how to enhance their performance with nutrition.

Contact Trifocus Fitness Academy for details

If you are interested in enrolling in a locally and internationally accredited exercise science course, contact Trifocus Fitness Academy today. Trifocus Fitness Academy offers nationally and internationally accredited health and fitness courses at affordable prices. To find out more about our exercise science certification, visit our website or call us on 0861 444 765.