Sports Massage

Course Description

A sports massage is a manual systematic manipulation of the soft tissue of the body to decrease injury potential as well as enhance training. Sports massage works because it works deeply on realigning muscle fibres so ensuring better functioning as well as increasing nutrients and oxygen to the muscle. The benefits are increased range of motion, decreased lactic acid build up, lower injury potential, increased circulation and boosted cellular metabolism, to name but a few.

There are main differences in some technical aspects and aims of a normal massage versus sports therapy. A normal massage is more superficial as compared to the deep stimulation of a sports massage. The aim of a normal massage is to alleviate general stress to increase circulation and relaxation, working along the muscle surface to relax the body. Whereas a sports massage is more specific, working deeper on muscle fibres with a specific athletic enhancement goal.

To become a sports masseuse you should sign up for our online sports massage course.

What is Sports Massage?

Sports massage does not have a prescribed technique. It depends on the training that your client is doing as well as the nature of the injury or condition. It borrows from techniques that are used in other disciplines such as physiotherapy and osteopathy.

Techniques include the following:

  • Soft tissue release: locking and stretching the tissues and the clients’ muscles
  • Neuromuscular technique: concentrating on trigger points in the nervous system to get rid of pain and tension
  • Positional release: utilised to relax hyperactive muscles
  • Fascial release: deep, slow kneading used to release the connective tissues around the muscles

What are the Benefits of Doing the Sports Massage Course?

Perhaps one of the main benefits of doing our sports massage course and becoming a sports massage therapist is the amount of flexibility that you have. For the most part, when you’ve started up your own business, you will be able to determine your own hours.

This is similar to many personal training career options, where you can either work contracted hours or on a freelance basis.

With freelancing, you’ll have the freedom to schedule in your appointments whenever is most convenient for you, as the role lacks the commitment of a typical 9 to 5.

What does the Online Sports Massage Course Include?

The sports massage course covers the following material:

  • Introduction to sports massage
  • Anatomical and physiological functioning of body systems
  • Massage techniques and movements
  • Abnormal functioning in a body system within massage
  • Therapeutic massage treatment
  • Massage Techniques and Tools
  • Considerations for professional practice

Opportunities That Can Be Explored with a Sports Massage Certification

While most sports massage therapists are self-employed, typical full-time employers include:

  • Health and fitness clubs
  • Private health clinics
  • Sports injury clinics
  • Sports and leisure centres
  • Professional or amateur sports teams and clubs
  • Hotels, resorts and spas
  • Further and higher education
  • Research
  • Sports science support

How to Register for the Online Sports Massage Course?

If you want to register for the online sports massage course fill in the registration form to the right of this page.

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  • Introduction to sports massage
  • Anatomical and physiological functioning of body systems
  • Massage techniques and movements
  • Abnormal functioning in a body system within massage


  • Therapeutic massage treatment
  • Massage Techniques and Tools
  • Considerations for professional practice
Register this February and receive a 40% Discount with an upfront payment
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Accredited and Online
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  • Deposit R1500
  • R1450 over
    2 Months

How to Study

How you can learn at Trifocus Fitness Academy

We offer a number of exciting, dynamic, and interactive ways in which you can learn how to become the best fitness professional you can be!


If you have access to the Internet, we offer an online learning platform. Through the videos, questionnaires, and forums on your dedicated learning portal, you will be able to have the full benefit of our world-class education – when it’s convenient for you.

The online platform includes:

  • All assessments
  • Animated and interactive games to test your knowledge
  • Progress trackers
  • Thousands of slides with colourful images
  • Unlimited access to the online platform
  • Videos, including exercise and anatomical footage

Please take note: If you choose this option, all study material is online. No hard copy assessment material will be sent to you.

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    Frequently Asked Questions

    The average Trifocus Fitness Academy student completes the HIIT and Functional Trainer Course within 4 to 18 months.

    Payments can be made via Payfast, EFT or by debit order (which is deducted on the last working day of every month). We offer an 18% discount if you pay the course fees upfront.

    Yes, there are student support managers available to assist you from Monday to Friday between 9am and 5pm.

    The HIIT and Functional Trainer Course can be started at any time during the year.

    There are practical requirements that you must fulfil in order to obtain the HIIT and Functional Trainer qualification. For example, you may have to shadow a fitness trainer, write a case study and do a practical examination.

    Our online learning platform was built with the end user in mind, offering the student slides, videos, interactive games and seamless downloads.

    We require a valid South African ID, or a valid passport if you reside outside of South Africa. You must have a Matric/Grade 12 certificate.

    Our HIIT and Functional Trainer Course is suitable for a person who is over the age of 35 wanting to become a personal trainer.

    You can work at private or commercial health clubs or gyms. You can even work on a cruise ship! Trifocus Fitness Academy gives you the opportunity to obtain an accredited qualification that is recognised both locally and internationally.

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      *By consenting to receive communications, you agree to the use of your data as described in our privacy policy. You may opt-out of receiving communication at any time.