What is the Correct Way for a Nutritionist to give Advice?

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Nutrition Blog

A nutritionist holds a lot of power in their hands. If they tell their clients to eat the wrong food the damage to that client’s body will be very severe. That is why it is always very important for a nutritionist to give sound nutritional advice and encourage good eating habits. So what is the best way for a nutritionist to give advice?

How Nutritionists should advise clients

A Nutritionist Must Always Take a Sound History

When a client comes to you, as a nutritionist, before you tell them what to eat and not to eat, the first thing that you’ve got to do is to take their history.

The optimal way to go about taking a proper nutritional history – say Lisa Hark and Darwin Deen in the study entitled Taking a Nutrition History: A Practical Approach for Family Physicians – is the following:

“Before attempting to improve patients’ dietary habits or offer them nutritional guidance, it is necessary to assess their usual daily food intake.”

Listen, very carefully, to your clients

It is not a nutritionist’s job to condemn a client’s eating habits. Remeber: they’ve come to you for help with their eating so the worst thing that you can do is to chastise them for – for example – eating copious amounts of sweets and sugar per day. If you take the ‘bad cop’ route, chances are very good that they’ll walk out your door never to return.

Remeber that to be successful in their new eating habits, a person’s brain needs to be reconditioned so that when they crave something sweet they turn to fruit rather than a biscuit. This takes time.

Teach them how to read food labels – as Trifocus Fitness Academy’s Specialised Nutrition Course (which is one of the best nutrition courses on the market!) teaches you – so that they can make the healthier choices for themselves.

A Nutritionist Should Work in Tandem with a Personal Trainer

Once your client has been on their new eating plan for a while, they’ll reach a plateau in terms of weight-loss. Don’t panic! This is normal. All that needs to happen at this stage is for your client to start working out in order to jumpstart their weight-loss again.

For a newbie to cardio workouts, fitness experts recommend:

  1. “Don’t forget to warm-up and cool-down for every session by doing 5-10 minutes of low intensity cardio (walk, cycle etc). After cooling down, do some stretching

  2. If you have not used a specific piece of cardio equipment before, don’t be afraid to ask a staff member to show you how to safely use the machine. That’s what they’re there for.”

Contact Trifocus Fitness Academy

For those wanting to start out in the wellness industry, Trifocus Fitness Academy‘s Specialized Nutrition course will give you a solid foundation to build your knowledge on Nutrition.