A healthy, as well as balanced diet, will go a long way towards helping you to build strong bones from the time that you are young and maintain them throughout your life. Building bones which are healthy is vitally important. Minerals are absorbed into your bones during childhood, adolescence in addition to early adulthood. When you reach 30 years of age, you have reached peak bone mass. If insufficient bone mass is formed during this time, or bone loss occurs takes place, you have a heightened risk of developing fragile bones that break easily. Luckily, there are many nutrition habits can help you to build strong bones and maintain them as you get older.
Amongst its many functions in the body, calcium helps to build and maintain your teeth and bones. In fact, 99% of all the calcium in your body is stored in your teeth and bones.
One way your body gets calcium is through calcium-rich foods and calcium supplements. Your body also gets calcium by drawing it from your bones. This generally happens when you haven’t been getting enough calcium from meals. Although your body ideally replaces the borrowed calcium it isn’t a guarantee.
A major source of calcium can be found in dairy foods such as low-fat milk, cheese and yoghurt. If you are lactose intolerant you may be able to get your calcium through lactose-free dairy products, eating yoghurt that contains live and active cultures and taking a lactose enzyme supplement before you have dairy. Non-dairy sources of calcium are, among others, leafy green vegetables such as collard greens and kale as well as canned salmon and sardines with bones.
Vitamin D
When your blood calcium levels start dropping, vitamin D converts into its active form. It travels into your intestines to help you absorb more calcium and goes to your kidneys to reduce the amount of calcium that your body loses through urine.
Vitamin D is in sources such as sardines, egg yolks, tuna and fortified foods. However, most individuals get enough vitamin D through sunlight exposure.
Vitamin K
Vitamin K, which is found in foods such as leafy greens, is another important nutrient for you bones because it helps your body to regulate calcium and form bones. Low levels of vitamin K circulating in the body have been linked to low bone density and vitamin K supplementation helps to support bone health.
Some research shows that eating at least two cups of vegetable and 1 ½ cups of fruit per day and increase your bone health. This may be owing to the existence of nutrients such as vitamin C, potassium and magnesium. In addition, while your body also needs some protein to build strong and healthy bones, the Harvard School of Public Health warns that eating a high-protein diet for an extended period may weaken your bones.
Bones support our organs. In addition, they facilitate freedom of movement. This is why keeping them strong as well as healthy is incredibly important. Weight-bearing exercises; a sensible, healthy diet and – in some instances – calcium supplementation can all assist to keep our bones healthy and strong. We are fortunate that it is never too late to begin strengthening as well as caring for our bones. The earlier you start, the better.
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