The Best Way Of Reading A Nutrition Label – According To Nutritionists

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Nutrition Blog

Knowing more about the food which you’re eating (and mainlining good nutrition habits) is one way for you to maintain a healthy weight. Sustaining a healthy weight is an essential part of lowering your cancer risk. Obesity has been connected to several kinds of cancer, including colorectal cancer as well as breast cancer.

One definite way to learn more about the food you eat is to read the nutrition label. All foods need to feature nutrition labels which include how much food is inside the package in addition to what nutrients and ingredients make up that particular food.

What To Look Out For On A Nutrition Labels

Pull a bottle of food from the supermarket shelf, or take out the nearest box from your cupboard, pantry or desk. Turn it over or on its side. Welcome to the Nutrition Facts panel. If you look at nothing more on the package, make sure that you look at the Nutrition Facts panel. Finding out how to read the Nutrition Facts panel comes down to quantity as well as quality:

  • “How much?”
  • “Of what?”

Serving Size

The amount of the product which is usually consumed at once.


The number of calories, or energy, which is provided by a single serving. Two thousand calories is the average daily reference amount and this is based on the caloric intake which is recommended for many average South Africans. (Although the exact amount per person is based on factors such as age, activity level, height, weight as well as other health goals.)

Percent Daily Value

The term ‘daily value’ is how much of a specific nutrient which you should either aim to reach (for instance, dietary fibre) or keep below (such as sodium). Understanding how much of that amount is in any particular food can assist you with keeping track of what you’re eating.


Fats, carbohydrates, protein and cholesterol, in addition to select vitamins and minerals.

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Ignore The Front Of The Packaging

One of the best tips that you will ever hear is to completely ignore claims on the front of the packaging. Front labels try to entice you into buy products by making health claims.

In actual fact, research shows that adding health claims to front labels makes individuals believe a product is healthier as opposed to the same product which doesn’t list health claims — so affecting consumer choices.

Manufacturers are often misleading in the way that they utilise these labels. They tend to make use of health claims that are false and, in some cases, totally false. Examples include many high-sugar breakfast cereals. Despite what the label may suggest, these products are not healthy.

This makes it difficult for consumers to choose healthy options without a comprehensive inspection of the ingredients list.

Contact Trifocus Fitness Academy

Do you want to get an in-depth knowledge of nutrition? If you do, then you need to study towards our Specialised Nutrition Certification. Read more here.

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