What is a heart-healthy diet?

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Nutrition Blog

The term ‘cardiac diet’ describes a heart-healthy diet. This is an eating plan which dictates that you must eat plenty of nutrient-rich foods such as:

  • Fruits and veggies,
  • Whole grains,
  • Lean poultry, and
  • Fish

A heart-healthy diet also means avoiding saturated fats, trans fats in addition to excess sodium as well as sugar.

Following a cardiac diet would be recommended for someone:

  • Who suffers from either high blood pressure, high cholesterol or has any other history of heart disease,
  • Who has a familial history of heart disease.

However, even if you don’t have a health concern that affects your cardiovascular system, adhering to a heart-healthy diet is important as doing this can reduce your risk of heart disease as you get older. In actual fact, we should all be following a diet that is healthy for our hearts. By your intake of junk foods, as well as including more nutritious foodstuffs in what you eat on a daily basis, you’ll be fuelling your body with what it needs to remain healthy. In addition, performing this practice may possibly improve your overall health.

Other benefits of following a heart-healthy diet

If you follow a cardiac diet, this can help you:

  • To lose weight,
  • To lower your blood pressure, cholesterol as well as blood sugar level.

A heart-healthy diet can even boost your energy levels as you will be making healthier food choices.

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Eat an assortment of nutritious foods that come from all the food groups

You may be consuming plenty of food, however your body may not be acquiring the nutrients that it requires in order to be healthy. Foods that are rich in nutrients contain:

  • Minerals,
  • Protein,
  • Whole grains, and
  • Other nutrients.

However, they have reduced calories. As we stated previously, these types of foodstuffs may assist you with controlling your weight and cholesterol as well as your blood pressure.

You should be eating an overall healthy diet that emphasises:

  • A variation of fruits and vegetables
  • Whole grains
  • Dairy products which are low fat
  • Poultry and fish which is skinless
  • Nuts as well as legumes
  • Non-tropical vegetable oils

As stated earlier in this article, a heart-healthy diet requires you to limit saturated fat, trans fat, sodium, red meat, sweets and sugar-sweetened drinks. If you decide to include red meat in your eating plan, compare labels and choose the leanest cuts that you can find.

Eat less of the foods which are not rich in nutrients

The correct number of calories to consume each day depends on:

  • Your age and physical activity level, as well as
  • If you’re trying to gain, lose or maintain your weight.

It is possible for you to use your daily allotment of calories on a limited number of high-calorie foods and beverages however you probably wouldn’t get the nutrients your body requires in order to be healthy. Control your consumption of foods and beverages that are high in calories but low in nutrients. Ever important is to regulate the quantity of bad fats that you eat. Read Nutrition Facts labels cautiously. This panel tells you what is the amount of healthy and unhealthy nutrients in a food or beverage.

Contact Trifocus Fitness Academy

Want to learn more about healthy eating habits? Check out Trifocus Fitness Academy’s Specialised Nutrition Course! For more information, please visit our website.

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