What nutritional benefits does magnesium have?

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Nutrition Blog

Magnesium performs a function in over 300 enzymatic reactions within the body. These include the metabolism of food, synthesis of fatty acids and proteins, and the transmission of nerve impulses.

The human body contains around 25 grams (g) of magnesium. Between 50 and 60 percent of magnesium is to be found in the skeletal system. The remainder is in muscle, soft tissues and bodily fluids.

Magnesium Is Needed in Hundreds of Biochemical Reactions

One of magnesium’s leading roles is acting as a cofactor or “helper molecule” in the biochemical reactions continuously performed by enzymes.

It’s required in more than 600 reactions in your body. These include:

  • The creation of energy: Assist with converting food into energy.
  • The formation of protein: Assists with creating proteins from amino acids.
  • The maintenance of genes: Helps with the creation – in addition to the repair – of DNA and RNA.
  • Movements of muscle: Is part of the process of muscles contracting and relaxing.
  • The regulation of the nervous system: Assist with regulating neurotransmitters, which send messages throughout your brain and nervous system.

Magnesium is Connected with Fighting Depression

Magnesium plays a crucial function in the functioning of the brain and mood. A heightened risk of depression is linked to low levels of magnesium.

In an analysis of over 8 800 people, it was found that people under the age of 65 – who had the lowest magnesium intake – had a 22% higher prospect of depression. Some specialists believe the low levels of magnesium in food in today’s supermarkets may cause many cases of depression and mental illness.

Magnesium Has Been Found To Reduce Blood Pressure

Studies show that taking magnesium has the capability of lowering blood pressure. In one investigation, people who took 450 mg per day of magnesium experienced a significant decrease in systolic and diastolic blood pressure. However, these beneficial effects may only occur in people who have pre-existing high blood pressure.

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Foods that are high in magnesium

Whole Wheat

Most whole-grains are known to be a good source of magnesium. However, whole-wheat flour wins with 160 mg per cup. Use whole-wheat instead of white flour for baking and buy whole wheat bread at the store.


Dark, leafy green vegetables are rich with nutrients. Spinach is no exception. One cup of boiled spinach contains a whopping157 mg of magnesium.


Quinoa is prepared and consumed in a way that’s similar to rice. This foodstuff is known for its many health benefits which include a high amount of protein and minerals. One cup of cooked quinoa contains a significant amount of magnesium – 118 mg.

Almonds, Cashews as well as Peanuts

Magnesium appears in significant quantities in these foods. Almonds, cashews, and peanuts a healthy snack. One ounce of almonds packs in 80 mg or about 20 per cent of your recommended daily intake. Cashews have 74 mg per ounce, and two tablespoons of peanut butter contain 49 mg of magnesium.

It is possible to add these toasted nuts to a variety of dishes for extra texture and flavour.

Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate contains 64 mg of magnesium in a 1 oz serving. There are lots of antioxidants in one square. This type of chocolate is excellent for the health of your heart. Select a dark chocolate with 70% cocoa solids.

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