Since before we can recall, people have been trying to change their bodies:
- People try to lose weight,
- People try to put on weight.
There have been many fad diets which claim to help people do this. However, the problem with these is that although they may work for a period of time when you stop following this diet the benefits that you found that you gained from this course fall away and you’re right back at square one – and sometimes a few paces back from square one.
What is the solution?
Well, first up, if you want to change your body – in whatever manner that you want – you need to ditch the diets. Start following good nutrition principles and if you want to lose weight, you need to make sure that you’re taking in less calories that you’re actually burning up. This is so that you can burn the extra weight that you’re carrying.
Alternatively, if you want to develop lean muscle mass, you need to make sure that you consume a protein-rich meal after every workout. As protein in an essential building block of muscles, and your muscles microscopically tear during each gym session, you need to give your body the tools that it needs in order to rebuild. Before you say “I don’t have time!” don’t stress. We’re not saying that you need to eat a steak dinner after every workout. Replacing lost protein can be as simple as taking a whey protein shake which are available at most pharmacies and health food shops in a variety of delicious flavours.
The next step is to visit a nutritionist. Now, you can’t just choose any-old nutritionist. This person needs to have studied and passed a nutrition course which is highly regarded. Your eating plan is not something that you can take lightly. If you eat something that you’re not supposed to, the consequences could be dire. For example, if a person eats something that they are highly allergic to, they could suffer symptoms – such as anaphylactic shock – and even land up in hospital.
Should you study an accredited nutrition course?
If you want to understand more about nutrition, and take your health into your own hands, you should really think about studying an accredited nutrition course. Following this course of study doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to become a nutritionist – however, you can if you want to. Studying a course such as this will equip you with the knowledge and skills that a nutritionist has so that you can make informed decisions about what you eat.
Here are some of the things that you’ll learn on Trifocus Fitness Academy’s Specialised Nutrition Course, which is an accredited nutrition course:
- Fundamentals of nutrition
- How to design an eating plan for your clients.
- Understand how to read as well as understand food labels.
- Advise your clients on nutritional supplements.
- Basic concepts of the glycaemic index (GI)
- Understand the principles behind GI.
- Distinguish between ‘low-GI’ versus ‘high-GI’ foods.
- Determine how to regulate metabolic diseases while making use of the GI Index.
- Nutrition for specialised populations
- Get to grips with the specific nutritional needs of special populations.
- Recommend nutrition to special populations.
- Learn how to pinpoint the signs of female athlete tri-ad syndrome.
- Sports nutrition
- Describe the science behind nutrition and sports.
- Design an eating plan for sportsmen and -women.
- Discuss the impact of drugs on sports.
- Youth and nutrition
- Learn what the ideal nutritional needs of children.
- Determine how to evaluate if a child is being nourished correctly.
- Create an eating plan which is suitable for a specific child.
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