Today, people are becoming pickier about the jobs that they choose. They’re not going into a job just because they have to. They’re going into not just jobs but careers because they want to and they’re passionate about the choice.
The fitness industry has seen many evolutions over the past years. There have been many fitness fads that have come and gone, however, the one trend that has endured in the fitness industry is that of personal training – and there’s no sign of it going anywhere.
In this article, we’ll unpack a number of reasons why it’s a great idea to choose personal training as a career in 2019 and why – if you love fitness – being a personal trainer is a good option.
Reasons to choose a Personal Training career
You’ll be able to live your passion
Is your life all about fitness, eating cleanly and getting that perfect physique? Do you approach your training as you would a job? If this rings some bells for you, and you find yourself nodding your head in agreement, a career as a personal trainer will probably suit you down to the ground.
A career in personal training will require you to have the best physique that you can. You will be required to develop your body in a way that suits you and looks good on you. Your body will be your billboard. People will look at you, admire you, and want you to replicate this for them. This means that you need to look the best that you can.
Your time is your own
As a personal trainer, you’re an entrepreneur. You own your own business. You’re not stuck in a 9-5 job wasting time when there is nothing to do. This gives you the flexibility to do things that you want to do when you want to do them. You structure your work around your life and not your life around your work – the way that it should be.
Linked to this is the fact that as a personal trainer you can basically write your own cheque as the more you work, the more you end up earning. However, don’t work so much that you end up burning out and not enjoying life. Make sure that you strike a good work-life balance between your personal training clients and your personal life. Make time to relax and recharge. You need this so that you can carry on delivering outstanding service to your clients.
Want to travel? Being a personal trainer allows you to do this!
Being a personal trainer allows you the ability to travel and see the world while at the same time earning a decent living. We’ve seen countless personal training graduates work on cruise ships and yet others have taken their qualification and have gone to work in other countries. With a personal training qualification, the sky’s the limit!
As you can see from this article, there are countless reasons why you should be enrolling in a personal training course in 2019. The fitness industry is going from strength to strength and if becoming part of this industry is your passion, the time if ripe for you to do so!
Contact Trifocus Fitness Academy
To help you in your journey to becoming a personal trainer, Trifocus Fitness Academy has a number of personal training qualifications that you can choose from:
All of these options will make you into the best personal trainer you can be. All you need to decide is which one will suit you. Follow this link for more information.