Do You Have to Be a Good Runner to Take Part in a Bootcamp Class?

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Personal/Fitness Training Blog

Bootcamp classes are great for getting social, getting fit, and having a bunch of fun along the way. Unfortunately, the word bootcamp brings to mind angry drill sergeants shouting spittle down at you while you struggle to complete that last push-up. The truth is that bootcamp classes are fun and motivating like you can’t believe! So, do you have to be a good runner to participate? Let’s investigate.

Running and Bootcamp

Defining a Good Runner

What makes a good runner? If you ask us, a good runner can be judged on two general criteria:

  1. Endurance (ability to run non-stop for long periods of time)
  2. Form/Agility (how well muscles and joints perform through prolonged exertion)

The Short Answer

No. While a bootcamp class incorporates light weight training combined with cardiovascular elements, it doesn’t require the ability to run a 5 km marathon. However, due to the interval format commonly used, endurance fitness IS an advantage when participating in bootcamp classes.

The Long Answer

It depends. A good runner might have better endurance and agility, but they’ll struggle when the free weights come out. Likewise a weight lifter won’t have any issues with the weights but might fatigue sooner than a runner. It also depends on these two factors:

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The Class

No two bootcamp classes are the same just as is the case with any other exercise class. This is because the group fitness instructor will vary the exercises so that the class participants don’t get used to the same routine. Where a good runner will excel is at outdoor bootcamp classes where participants have to run around fields or sprint between cones. If it’s a studio-based session, or an online training session, you probably won’t move off your exercise mat.

The Trainer

Bootcamp instructors will naturally lean towards their preferred exercise style. For example, trainers who are marathon runners might include sprinting and short-distance running. Instructors who are weight lifters, on the other hand, might have you pumping weights while you navigate an aerobic step.

What We Recommend

Whether you’re a good runner or not, we’d highly recommend you assess the bootcamp class before attending. Ask about the exercises you’ll be doing so you know what to expect, and – if you’re a complete novice at fitness and bootcamp classes – try participating in light regular exercise in the month leading up to your first bootcamp class. This way you won’t have to tap out after five minutes!

Dream of Running Your Own Bootcamp Classes?

If you’ve always associated more with the drill sergeant than the army privates, and you’ve dreamt of running your own bootcamp classes, Trifocus Fitness Academy has the perfect bootcamp course for you! Discover our comprehensive, accredited bootcamp course and if you’ve got questions, get in touch and we’ll do our best to answer them!

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