reach your fitness goals
Personal/Fitness Training Blog

There are days when going to the gym can feel like a welcome escape from the four corners of your office. However, there are also days when the idea of a tough workout after a long day of work is almost unbearable. Getting fit is hard work, which is kind of what makes it worthwhile. However, for the days when you really don’t feel like working out, a gym instructor can be the motivation you need to get you there and in your sweats. A gym instructor can see to it that you stay motivated, make use of the most effective routines, and receive support when trudging towards your targets. Here are 5 ways a gym instructor can help you reach your fitness goals.


Staying motivated is key to reaching your fitness goals. There’s no sense in doing half-sets, nipping in and out of the gym or convincing yourself that your routine can be put off for tomorrow. We often need that extra push to keep these thoughts out of our minds and this is where a gym instructor can come in handy. We generally work harder in the presence of others and knowing that you have a group class to attend will help you get to the gym. With an instructor leading you through the moves, guiding you and providing encouragement; you’ll find it a lot easier to show up and stick to your training. A gym instructor can also help you set realistic goals and give you guidance on how to reach them.

Keeping a record of your progress

While it’s true that you can take stock of your own progress, it helps to have someone with extensive experience in exercise science to help you along the way. A gym instructor can help you develop an effective training regime and talk you through it so you know exactly how to reach your goals. If you know exactly where you should be in your training, it will be easier to measure your progress and use those figures to modify your routines. Just reflecting on your progress with a trained fitness professional can be the motivation you need to reach your next fitness goal.

Designing specialised routines and diet plans

An experienced gym instructor will know which routines are the best for helping you hit your fitness targets, and which ones you are most capable of performing at your current fitness level. A gym instructor will also know which exercises to ditch because they aren’t targeting the right areas. Not only this, but a good gym instructor can advise you on effective eating plans through an understanding of specialised nutrition. Proper nutrition, together with a personalised training schedule for your level and goals; will result in an overall improvement in your performance.

Refining your technique

A gym instructor can help you reach your fitness goals by refining your technique. Refining your technique with each workout is important for achieving effective results, while also avoiding injuries. Though it is a crucial aspect of training that is often overlooked, working on your technique can have long-lasting benefits. A gym instructor can guide you by correcting your posture, positioning and movements throughout your exercise routines. This is particularly important if you are new to exercise and aren’t sure how to perform certain movements. A gym instructor can show you exactly how to complete each step so that you can continue achieving your fitness goals.

Setting benchmarks to follow

A fitness professional knows that targets are not hit overnight. A gym instructor can help you reach your fitness goals by setting benchmarks for you to follow. Benchmarks help you measure your success rate while keeping you motivated, as they acknowledge and reflect the progress you have made. It can be disheartening to work hard and not see the results and it’s even more difficult to see tiny improvements in yourself. A trained gym instructor will be able to point out little developments in your performance, appearance and fitness level to ensure you don’t get discouraged.

Contact Trifocus Fitness Academy today

If you would like to find out how you can help others to achieve their fitness targets, contact Trifocus Fitness Academy today. Trifocus Fitness Academy  offers locally and internationally accredited fitness courses, including an accredited gym instructor course. For more information, visit our website or call us on 0861 444 765.

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