Although risk assessment may seem like an entirely different concept, it forms an integral part of the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) profess within a sporting organisation. As such, this process is a vital part of the sports manager’s role. Assessing the risk correctly assist in the eradication of danger in workplaces, according to its level of intensity. Some risks may not be as dangerous as others, although they are all critical.
How a sports manager should be assessing risks
When a sports manager identifies a hazard, they need to do a risk assessment. This type of assessment means that they will need to:
- Gather information about each known hazard
- Contemplate the number of people who are exposed to each hazard and the length of the exposure
- Make use of the information to assess the likelihood as well as a consequence of each hazard
- Make use of a risk assessment table in order to work out the risk associated with each hazard
A sports manager should consider the ensuing factors during the risk assessment process:
- The kind of hazard creating the risk
- Patterns of hazards
- Types of injuries or illnesses which are foreseeable from exposure
- The results of duration and exposure to the hazard
- Workplace and workstation layout
- Work organisation
- The introduction of new work processes
- Skill and experience level of employees
- Personal characteristics of employees who are exposed to the risk (colour blindness or hearing impairment)
- Prevailing control measures in place, such as using clothing and personal protection equipment.
What is a risk assessment table?
One method of assessing risk is to use a risk assessment table. Record the risk rating for each and every single hazard you have identified. Record the risk rating for each hazard which you have determined. To construct an assessment matrix, you can:
- Establish a specialist risk assessment team
- Get expert or specialist advice
- Brainstorm within the workplace, especially with employees, health and safety representatives as well as OHS health and safety committee members. They are frequently a valuable source of information and experience.
Before introducing new or changed work practices, substances or plant review your original assessment. It is proper management to do regular reviews.
How to use a risk assessment table
Assessments of likelihood and consequence can be translated into levels of risk using a risk assessment table. Areas of high risk can be given first priority for elimination or control in the workplace. Consequence or extent of the injury or ill health were it to occur, can be rated in the following way:
- Fatality
- Significant or serious injury (severe damage to health which may be irreversible, requiring medical attention and on-going treatment). Such injury is likely to involve considerable time off work.
- Minor injury (reversible health damage which may require medical attention but limited on-going treatment). This is less likely to involve considerable time off work.
- Negligible injuries (first aid only with little or no lost time). Unlikely to involve more than one day off work.
The likelihood or the chance of each of the situation or events actually occurring, can be rated in the following way:
- Very likely (exposed to hazard continuously)
- Likely (exposed to hazard occasionally)
- Unlikely (could happen but only rarely)
- Highly unlikely (could happen but probably never will)
- This classification would be used very rarely
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