Including strength training in your exercise routine is by far one of the best things which you can do for your health. Strength training goes far beyond building muscle, losing weight as well as looking leaner.
Adding weight training into your weekly workout routine may also keep your bones strong, manage chronic conditions and diseases, in addition to even enhancing your thinking and learning capabilities as you get older.
However, if you do not take the proper steps to protect your back and body during the strength training process, you will have a greater chance of hurting your back. This may put you out from weightlifting for months and could also affect your general quality of life.
Your Lower Back Is More Predisposed To Injury
The superb strength and flexibility which are engineered into your lower back also makes it vulnerable to developing lots of problems.
In addition, because of the many nerves which run throughout your spine and into the rest of your body, trouble in your lower back may lead to leg pain, hip problems as well as other challenges. Lumbar Spine Anatomy Video Lumbar Spine
Protecting your lower back involves taking measures in order to avoid direct injury, prevent indirect trauma, and control the progression of a problem which may have already occurred.
Don’t Skip The Warm-Up
When you’re hard-pressed for time, it can be extremely tempting to skip straight to the good stuff: cardio as well as strength training. However, easing into action with gentle, gradual movements increases blood flow and also warms your muscles so that they’re more pliable and also ready to work. Without a warm-up, your muscles — including those which support and protect your spine —will be stiffer and more prone to strain.
Strengthen Your Core Muscles On A Daily Basis
Strong and supportive muscles in the entire trunk of your body are vital in supporting your spine. Core-building exercises include the following:
- Low-impact cardiovascular exercises, such as normal or brisk walking, which assists with increasing blood flow to your spine and stretching your muscles. An ample flow of blood supplies healing nutrients – as well as hydration – to the structures in your lower back.
- Water therapy, which offers a greater range of motion owing to the buoyancy of water, particularly for exercises which require lifting the legs. Water also offers resistance by means of gentle friction that allows for the strengthening and conditioning of an injured muscle. In addition, water therapy is ideal for people who have chronic back pain and find it excessively painful to exercise without the helpful effect of water.
- Exercise ball workouts, for example sitting on the ball sporadically for about 20 to half an hour and/or using the ball for stretches and exercises which engage your core muscles.
Contact Trifocus Fitness Academy
If you want to discover more about the art of strength training, then you need to become a personal trainer. Studying towards our Personal Training Diploma is the best way to do this. Find out more about this course by following this link.