How To Build Muscle Power With Plyometric Exercises

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Personal/Fitness Training Blog

Plyometric exercises are fun! Who doesn’t want to jump as well as leap? It almost feels as if you’re a kid again. If you are able to make workouts fun, why not? There is much more to plyometric jumps as opposed to the joy of leaping, of course. Plyometrics are essential exercises for developing and boosting power.

From plyo push-ups to jumping squats, these exercises target the big muscle groups and harness the elastic energy in the stretch-shortening cycle of muscle contractions in order to build brute power. Anyone will be able to benefit from improving power, including your athletes and beginners. Just be sure that you begin safely and progress at a pace which makes sense for each individual to avoid injuries.

Plyometrics exercise routines assist the muscles of the body to become more flexible as well as stronger. This exercise routine makes use of the force of different movements in order to build muscle power. There are many benefits of plyometric exercises and they contribute a lot to building a healthier body structure. So, make plyometrics exercise a part of your day-to-day workout routine.

How To Do Plyometric Push-Ups

  • Get into a push-up posture and have your feet together. Make sure that your hands placed just wider than shoulder-width apart on the floor. Your toes should be tucked in and your wrist should be under your shoulders.
  • While keeping your back straight, gently lower your elbow – as well as your body – towards the ground until your chest is very close to the floor.
  • Press yourself away from the floor as fast as possible, bringing your hands off the floor.
  • Clap your hands before bringing them back on the ground. Go down again and repeat the same.

How To Do Squat Jumps

This is an all-around fantastic strength and power move. It is responsible for developing powerful leg muscles and boosts heart rate. Perform a squat. Jump quickly – and as high as possible – from the lowered position. Straighten your legs as you reach the highest point.

How To Do Box Jumps

  • Stand in front of a sturdy surface that is about 50 cm high (choose the height according to what is comfortable for you). Your feet must be hip-width apart and your body in a relaxed position.
  • Now squat down and then jump onto the sturdy surface and land in a squat position. Focus and attempt to balance your weight while you’re jumping up.
  • Again jump slightly to step down and complete one repetition.

How To Do Lateral Jumps

So much of many workouts that are often done at the gym remain in the linear plane, with movements being done forwards and backwards. Working in the lateral, or side-to-side, plane benefits muscle groups. For plyometric exercises, try lateral jumps or bounds, which involve simply leaping side to side on one foot at a time.

Contact Trifocus Fitness Academy

If you would like to discover additional information about plyometric exercises then you need to do our Personal Training Diploma. Follow this link to learn more.

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