How To Get In Shape With A Virtual Fitness Coach

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Personal/Fitness Training Blog

For all its disruptions, the one thing that the pandemic has assisted us to do is engage with the digital world in ways to make our lives a little easier. With lockdown restrictions limiting where and how we work out; health and fitness instructors have adapted to the new normal by taking their training and advice online.

We’re not all gym people. Some of us like to exercise in the comfort of our own home, however finding the motivation to train at home can occasionally be a chore (the couch is right there). However, hold up, there’s this thing called virtual training gaining steam in the fitness world. All it is that you require is a broadband Internet connection, a webcam and some advice on where to start.

But real talk: Working out with a personal trainer through a screen is undoubtedly different as opposed to having them right beside you. Different, however, does not mean worse. In fact, there are tonnes of benefits to working with a virtual personal trainer — particularly if you learn some tips and tricks to really make it work for you.

Do Your Research

Prospective trainees must make sure the virtual fitness coach is experienced as well as educated. You don’t want to be working out with a trainer who got certified over the weekend. If a fitness coach has worked for 10 to 12 years, you’ll want to go with them. Alternatively, if they’ve had a background in movement, like a professional athlete or a dancer, then that contributes to their knowledge of the body.

Find A Certified Virtual Fitness Coach Who Caters To Your Fitness Goals

More and more virtual fitness coaches look to social media (hello, Instagram live workouts) as well as training apps in order to gain new clients, however it’s important to recognise that anyone can put a workout out there — regardless of how qualified they may or may not be. Judging a virtual fitness coach’s skill set and experience which is based on their Instagram followers as well as videos isn’t exactly the best way to gauge how well (or safely) they’ll actually train you.

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Make Sure That You’re Comfortable

Call (or Skype) and really converse with your prospective virtual fitness coach. Get to know them. Ask for a short session (30 minutes or less) if you’re attempting virtual training for the first time as well as if you’re feeling uncomfortable you are able to stop. If you’re not able to have the first phone call, look at your first experience with the trainer as means of determining if it’s a long-term fitness fit.

Establish A Rapport With Your Virtual Fitness Coach

Establishing rapport is key, whether it’s during an in-person training session or a virtual one. Even though it is simpler to build a rapport with a virtual fitness coach in person, it’s essential to have a strong connection virtually — you will, after all, be training together on days when you don’t really feel like it, or times when your motivation is shot.

Contact Trifocus Fitness Academy

If you would like to discover additional information about developing a virtual fitness coaching business, then you need to do our Entrepreneurship Course. Find out more by following this link.

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