How to use resistance equipment safely

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Personal/Fitness Training Blog

Using resistance equipment can be dangerous if your technique is not correct. Before beginning any resistance training, make absolutely sure that you have an assessment as well as an exercise programme that is written, by a personal trainer, for your specific needs. Ensure that you follow any medical advice and are shown the exercises by a physiotherapist, exercise rehabilitation professional or registered fitness professional.

Here are some useful tips for you to follow that will help you to use resistance equipment safely.

Read the labels

Resistance equipment usually includes a label illustrating what muscles are targeted. A common error is to duplicate or, alternatively, overlap training within the same session. For example, if you make use of the leg press machine working the gluteus maximus, quadriceps and hamstrings, and the gastrocnemius and the soleus of your calves, it is not a requirement to utilise the leg curl machine that targets the hamstrings – and sometimes the calf muscles – or the leg extension machine, which targets the quads, in the same session.

Adjust the machine properly

Some resistance equipment allows you to adjust the back or the height of the seat. Some machines have a pad which goes across the top of your knees. Machines which involve joint flexion may have a pivot point to match with the moving joint. Proper adjustment is vital to avoiding injury. If you aren’t sure about what to do then ask your personal trainer to explain.

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Choose a weight that is right for you

Select a weight at which you can do – at the very least – eight repetitions, but not more than 12, without finding it too difficult. Try to do a minimum of two sets on each and every single piece of equipment and when 12 repetitions become too easy increase the weight or attempt another exercise. Don’t work out on exactly the same machine for more than two weeks, for six consecutive sessions because your muscles will become accustomed to the same moves and it will lose its effect.

Slow and steady

Make use of a slow and controlled motion when working on resistance equipment and go through the full range of motion unless otherwise advised by your physician or personal trainer. Make sure that you control your return and maintain tension by stopping when the weights just barely touch. Don’t let then clank together.

Steering your way through aisles of heavy gym equipment that is marked with knobs, handles, pulleys as well as cables can feel more than a bit intimidating. Those who are “in the know” make strength training on this equipment look effortless. To compound the challenge is that every gym manufacturer and resistance equipment brand makes their equipment a bit different. Chest press machines will function in more or less the same way, however, the knobs handles as well as adjustments won’t be identical. This can put newbie gym-goers at a slight disadvantage. But if you follow the tips which we’ve outlined above, you’ll be sure to work out safely.

Contact Trifocus Fitness Academy

If you want to show people how to use resistance equipment safely, as well as other exercise techniques, then you need to become a personal trainer. Check out our Personal Training Diploma and get the premier fitness education that you’ve always dreamed of!

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