Why did you choose Trifocus Fitness Academy as your College?
Because Trifocus Fitness Academy is internationally accredited, its been the leader in health and fitness education for so many years, and Trifocus is growing from strength to strength. I also chose Trifocus Fitness academy because you can start your fitness course at any time during the year.
What Course did you complete?
Personal Training & Life Coaching Course
What did you enjoy most about this course?
Everything! Especially because I can take my fitness studies at my own pace.
How did you like the online learning material and what parts of the online experience did you enjoy the most?
Excellent!! Especially the student support and everything on the Trifocus website, like the videos, slides, interactive games and seamless downloads of my course were very helpful. The entire course is handled in such a professional manner.
Would you recommend Trifocus to your colleagues, and why?
Yes, yes and yes, I will recommend Trifocus Fitness Academy to all my colleagues, because Trifocus Fitness Academy is the way forward to your future in the fitness industry!
How has becoming qualified with Trifocus improved your Lifestyle and Wellness outlook?
Your passion is your qualification. It’s your leading qualification. To be qualified in the fitness industry gives you sense of self-fulfilment and accomplishment. Benefits of getting a qualification will leave you more motivated in life as well as your career!