Most Common HIIT Mistakes, According To Trainers

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Personal/Fitness Training Blog

HIIT training is well-known as a very quick way to build muscle, increase aerobic fitness as well as burn fat. Most HIIT training routines are less than 30 minutes and alternate between maximum effort for a period of between 20 and 30 seconds and then shorter rest periods of lower intensity.

You are also able to customise HIIT training for your body’s needs and then apply it to running, strength training or both of these exercise modalities. The only downside to not doing HIIT properly is that there are a lot of ways to do HIIT incorrectly, which not only leads to injury as well as fatigue but also prevents you from accomplishing your health and fitness goals.

HIIT Workout Mistakes

Doing HIIT Every Day

Over training is a very real thing. If you do HIIT every single day, your body will begin to break down. What we mean is that if you work out too intensely on most days, you will probably experience overuse injuries such as tendinitis or stress fractures. In addition, the stress which overtraining causes to your body is linked to hormonal imbalances that result in chronic fatigue.

Instead, to do HIIT correctly aim for about two to three sessions a week (not more than four). Always give your body at least a full day in between to rest. You don’t need to take those days totally off of exercise altogether, though, you could try low-impact, cross-training workouts such as swimming, walking, cycling, hiking or yoga.

You Don’t Push Yourself Hard Enough

Doing HIIT properly is not short and sweet. It’s meant to be quick and dirty. What this means is that since HIIT workouts can be as brief as 10 to 20 minutes, these workouts are supposed to be intense (hence the name). On a measure of perceived exertion, where the maximum is 10, you need to be at an eight or a nine.

If you don’t go beast mode during HIIT work intervals, you won’t reap the fat-burning, metabolism-boosting benefits of these types of sessions. So don’t hold back and save your energy like you might for a longer workout — give it all you’ve got.

You Go Too Hard, Too Quickly

However, if you’re a newbie one of the common HIIT mistakes is doing too much too quickly. This can backfire – badly. For instance, when you push too hard in the first work interval, you might not have sufficient petrol in the tank for the last. Or worse still, you could injure yourself.

So, what can you do to avoid this common HIIT mistake? Consider the number of intervals you’ll be doing ahead of time and then strategise how to pace yourself. The idea is to begin at a moderately high level of intensity and then ramp it up a notch with each consecutive interval. In this way, you’re working quite hard from the get-go without utilising all of your energy in one fell swoop.

In addition, you might want to begin with a shorter workout, say eight-minutes long, so that you can maintain your intensity for the entire of the routine. Then, gradually progress to something longer as you become stronger.

What Are The Benefits Of Interval Training?

Here are some of the benefits of interval training:

  • You’ll burn more calories. The more vigorously that you exercise, the greater the number of calories you’ll burn — even if you up the intensity for only a few minutes at a time.
  • You’ll be more time efficient with your workouts.
  • You’ll improve your aerobic capacity.

What Should I Wear For HIIT?

If you’re taking part in a sports-specific type of HIIT — such as a cycling or running-focused class —wear something that is appropriate for that activity.

For more general High-Intensity Interval Training classes, again, if you are a lady pick out a sports bra that’s supportive as you will probably be moving around a lot during the class. Supportive athletic shoes are also recommended. It’s especially good if your shoes are designed for lateral movements as opposed to just running.

As for your top, choose a material which absorbs moisture well, such as a cotton-poly blend. Otherwise, you will constantly be in a puddle of sweat.

For your bottoms, shorts, or leggings work for the ladies, too. As long as they are comfortable – and give you the opportunity to move about – this is all that matters.

Contact Trifocus Fitness Academy

Want to learn more about HIIT? If you do, then check out our HIIT and Functional Trainer Course. For more information and to register, please follow this link.

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