Your health is your most important asset. No amount of money or earthly possessions can ever get it back. It is important to invest in your health now before bad health starts affecting your life negatively. One of the most common health issues in the world today is high or low blood pressure. And although it may not sound or seem very serious, if it remains untreated, this affliction could lead to some serious health conditions and diseases such as a stroke, kidney disease and even heart failure.
What Is Blood Pressure?
Your blood pressure is the force exerted by your heart to pump blood through your body. If your blood pressure is too high, you will suffer from a syndrome also known as hypertension . This means that your heart needs to work harder than usual to pump blood through your body. Low blood pressure – or also known as hypotension – is when the heart is not pumping blood hard enough to reach the organs throughout the body. Both kinds of conditions can lead to dangerous situations and diseases.
The Causes Of High Or Low Blood Pressure Are Numerous
High blood pressure can be caused by smoking, obesity and diabetes, a sedentary lifestyle or lack of exercise, too much alcohol being consumed, stress, old age, chronic kidney disease, adrenal and thyroid disorders, sleep apnea, and even genetics. Unfortunately, you could be suffering from this disease if it is present in your family history.
Low levels are usually caused or affected by your environment. For example, over-activity, standing up too quickly, the time of the day, whether you have eaten or not, temperature and how stressed or relaxed you are. In some cases, low blood pressure can be caused by other diseases, medication or low blood volume.
Get checked often for signs of this health ailment. The good news is that there are symptoms you may experience that can hint at high or low blood pressure. This will warn you in time:
- The former symptoms include headaches, occasional nosebleeds, shortness of breath and an elevated heart rate.
- The latter includes lightheadedness or dizziness, nausea, fainting, dehydration, lack of concentration and blurred vision.
High and low blood pressure syndromes cause a multitude of health symptoms. Some of the risks include stroke, heart attack, dementia, kidney disease, eye problems and erectile dysfunction. Low blood pressure is less serious but can lead to symptoms like dizziness, nausea, fainting, dehydration and blurred vision.
It Is Important To Know That Exercise Affects Your Blood Pressure
It is therefore important to know if you suffer from high or low blood pressure. Vitally important is to know how your workout regime affects your blood pressure.
Your blood pressure and your heart rate rise throughout your workout sessions. This means that if you suffer from this type of ailment you may need to keep a close eye on that throughout your workouts. If you are unsure of how your training affects the pressure of your blood, you may need to get a personal trainer to guide you through your workout routine while keeping your blood pressure stable.
Says Blood Pressure UK on the subject:
“Being inactive is linked to high blood pressure. Therefore increasing your activity levels will reduce your blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure, your doctor or nurse may suggest that you try to become more active to lower it. However, you may be worried that regular exercise will increase your blood pressure to dangerous levels.
“It is true that physical activity (exercise) will cause your blood pressure to rise for a short time. However, when you stop the activity, your blood pressure should soon return to normal. The quicker it does this, the fitter you are likely to be. Most people with high blood pressure should be able to increase their physical activity levels quite safely.”
Over time, regular exercise can actually cause high blood pressure to drop, reducing your risk of serious disease. Trifocus Fitness Academy’s Personal Training Certification will give you the inside scoop on how you can avoid serious diseases caused by imbalanced blood pressure. (Follow this link for more information.)
Modules in the Trifocus Fitness Academy Personal Training Certification include:
Anatomy and biomechanics
• Analyse movement biomechanically.
• Analyse the anatomy of movement.
• Adapt exercises – using biomechanical principles – for a particular person.
Anatomy and physiology
• Identify the anatomy of the human body.
• Explain how joints, bones and muscles move.
• Describe how common exercises work.
Sport and exercise physiology
• Learn how the body’s physiology responds to resistance training.
• Discover how the body’s physiology responds to flexibility training.
• Know how the body’s physiology responds to speed and power training.
Nutrition fundamentals
• Advise your clients on how to enhance their performance with nutrition.
• Identify and correct people’s misconceptions about nutrition.
• Read and interpret food labels.
• Test clients’ cardio-respiratory endurance using well-known measuring methods.
• Test clients’ muscular fitness and flexibility using well-known measuring methods.
• Assess the composition of your client’s body.
For more information on blood pressure, watch this video: