The Power Of Motivation In The Fitness Industry

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Personal/Fitness Training Blog

Motivation is a crucial ingredient to a successful life both in the fitness industry as well as other walks of life. This is true no matter what your definition of success is. Being wealthy and having the best of the best; being healthy, fit, fast and strong; losing weight; finishing a degree; getting the job done and executing with excellence; or simply just living a happy life. Motivation is key! Every action requires motivation. And motivation, more often than not, determines how well we perform.

What Is Motivation In The Fitness Industry?

Motivation is that inner desire that keeps you pushing and pushing. It is that soft yet relentless and determined voice inside that keeps telling you to keep to going on when you feel like quitting. In the fitness industry –  say SJ Biddle and KR Fox from oughborough University, Leics, UK in a study entitled Motivation for physical activity and weight management – motivation is key:

“Motivation and barriers to exercise, exercise-related beliefs, attitudes, and self-efficacy, and the formulation of self-perceptions and identity towards exercise need to be considered in interventions and campaigns to capture the interests of the general public.

“Readiness to change and behaviour change strategies need to be considered and incorporated into social support structures to facilitate individual behaviour change. This could be delivered through community, workplace and primary health care settings.”

Motivation stems from desire and ambition. When it comes to reaching goals and getting results, you need to be motivated in order to achieve the best results possible. So before you even start working on reaching your goals – fitness related or otherwise – make sure that you are self-motivated. Furthermore that you have people in your corner who can motivate you when your motivation runs out. (PS: We, at Trifocus Fitness Academy, have the secret weapon in terms of motivation. It’s called the Life Coaching Certification and it will teach you – as well as your life coaching clients – the art of motivation.)

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How To Motivate Personal Training Clients

This is a tricky question to answer. The solution to this riddle depends on the individual themselves and what they respond to. For example, one person – fitness wise – may be motivated to stay fit and trim in a bootcamp exercise environment. However, another may loathe and detest the thought of someone shouting at them when they try to exercise and may prefer the gentle encouragement of a personal trainer.

There are many theories that apply to motivation. For example:

  • Hertzberg’s Two-Factor Theory which states that two factors influence motivation and satisfaction; in other words motivator factors and hygiene factors.
  • Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs which states that people will be motivated by what their needs in life are.
  • The Hawthorne Effect which states that people perform better when they are being watched. Something that all personal trainers in the fitness industry should take into consideration!
  • The Expectancy Theory which states that people behave in a certain way; as they expect certain results to occur because of that behaviour.
  • The Attribution Theory which explains how we attach meaning to people’s behaviour.

Watch the video below to discover ways in which you should be motivating your people.

Motivation Is Extremely Important In The Fitness Industry

It’s especially important when it comes to exercise, getting fit, getting healthy or losing weight. As they say, a little motivation goes a long way. A fitness professional who motivates their clients will always get them to consistently perform better. Ultimately helping them reach their desired goals.

There are a variety of scientifically tested theories of motivation, such as

There is nothing as demotivating as a personal trainer who doesn’t seem interested in helping you reach your goals. And the power lies in their passion and, more importantly, in their motivational skills.

The power of motivation is underrated – it could mean the difference between reaching your goals or failing to reach your goals. That is why it is so important to constantly and consistently motivate yourself. It is also vital to surround yourself with people who will motivate you when your motivation runs out.

Contact Trifocus Fitness Academy

If one of your goals is to enter into the personal training industry, the Trifocus Fitness Academy’s Personal Training Course is the fitness qualification for you! With this course under your belt, you will become a fully fledged and accredited personal trainer in as little as three months! Click here to find out more about how you can follow your fitness dreams.

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