What are the Responsibilities of Life Coaches?

responsibilities of life coaches
Personal/Fitness Training Blog

Life coaches are not like therapists. Tony Robbins – acclaimed life strategist – explains:

“Therapy, also called counseling or psychotherapy, is a long-term process in which a client works with a healthcare professional to diagnose and resolve problematic beliefs, behaviors, relationship issues, feelings and sometimes physical responses.

“Life coaching is a process which may be long- or short-term. In life coaching, a client works with a coach who is not a healthcare professional in order to clarify goals and identify obstacles to success and problematic behaviors in order to create action plans to achieve desired results.”

What does a Life coach do?

What Services do Life Coaches offer their Clientele?

Just as personal trainers specialise in specific forms of exercise to make themselves more marketable, life coaches do the same. The great thing is that this career is so varied that there’s no such thing as a ‘typical day of a life coach’! Here is a look at one of the specialities that life coaches can go into.

Life Coaches can Become Specialist Wellness Coaches

A wellness coach partners with a client in order to help him/her to achieve their health and fitness goals. They won’t leave alone with a personal trainer or nutritionist. They will constantly be in touch with their clients, finding out how their exercise and/or eating plans are going, where they might be slipping  and helping them to devise strategies to overcome any hurdles.

The Institute for Integrative Nutrition defines a wellness – or health coach – as:

“ … a wellness authority and supportive mentor who motivates individuals to cultivate positive health choices. Health coaches educate and support clients to achieve their health goals through lifestyle and behavior adjustments.”

Trifocus Fitness Academy’s Life Coaching Course has a comprehensive module on becoming a wellness coach. Specific outcomes of this module include:

  • Teach your client about wellness,
  • Unpack wellness concepts for your client. and
  • Build up a network of health professionals so that you can refer your clients if necessary.

Specialist Wellness Coaches Need to Know about Nutrition

As discussed above, being a wellness coach is a very popular life coaching exit point. In order to be incredibly successful in helping your clients achieve their health and fitness goals you need to have a stellar knowledge of nutrition as if you don’t eat correctly your exercise programme won’t mean anything.

Trifocus Fitness Academy’s Life Coaching Course has a comprehensive module on nutrition. In this you’ll learn:

  • How to design a nutritional plan for clients,
  • How to decode food labels correctly, and
  • Give trusted advice on nutritional supplements.

Contact Trifocus Fitness Academy 

There are loads of other life coaching exit points that you will be able to follow when you have our life coaching course under your belt.

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