Samantha Wonfor Q&A
Why did you choose Trifocus Fitness Academy for your college?
Today everyone has a busy lifestyle, dispute our best efforts to create more time to do the things we love we still struggle to balance our professional lives with our personal goals and achievements. I chose Trifocus Fitness Academy (herein after Trifocus) because of the online experience they offer. Trifocus has really bridged the gap in learning via correspondence by providing students with around the clock support, an easy to use online platform, course content of the highest standards and on top of all of this daily motivation by way of social media. Trifocus has given me the opportunity to pursue my dream and fitness career, at my convenience, I can logon to the online platform anytime and anywhere and this has been the biggest lifesaver for me.
What Course did you just complete?
Personal Training Certification
What did you enjoy best about this course?
I can honestly say I enjoyed everything about this course, my favorite aspects were the graphics and video tutorials. Trifocus Fitness Academy has really gone the extra mile to ensure that students that are unable to go to class get the same quality education.
How did you like the online learning material what parts of the online experience did you enjoy the most? (if the question is applicable)
I absolutely loved the online learning material, it is so convenient, I can take it with me where ever I go. Last year I went to Australia and it was amazing to continue my studies abroad with Trifocus, because the online platform has all the relevant course information so I only needed my laptop. The student support was amazing, their turnaround time and responses are high class.
Would you recommend Trifocus to your colleagues and why?
Definitely, I am currently studying an additional online course and I love it. I would recommend Trifocus to anyone who wants to pursue their dreams and live out their passion. It is affordable and again the support one receives as a student has been amazing.
How has becoming qualified with Trifocus improved your Life Style and Wellness out look?
Trifocus has taught me so much with regards to my training methods and nutrition. I can now train myself and others with confidence in my knowledge and I know that I can teach others because I have been taught by the best. My overall wellness has definitely improved, it’s nice to refer back to my course material if I get stuck. I am excited for things to come in the future, my personal training certification has really opened so many new avenue’s for me, and I am excited to go on this journey with the skills that Trifocus has equipped me with.