You will have heard a lot about protein powders. There has been a lot written in nutrition and fitness courses about – for example – the benefits, possible side effects, how these can assist you in reaching your goals. A lot of scientific research has also been done to determine if protein powders are good or bad for you.
Whether you use the information available – to your benefit – is your choice. However, it is your responsibility to educate yourself. It is also up to you to ensure you use all the tools at your disposal – from personal traning courses or nutrition qualifications – when it comes to reaching your fitness goals. It is important to ensure that your body not only gets the nutrients it needs daily but that it gets enough of these to:
- Keep you healthy,
- Help you recover after a tough personal training session, and
- Assist you to increase your strength and power.
So what is the truth about protein powders? What are the possible benefits? And are there any side effects?
Why Use Protein Powders: What Fitness Courses Say
Using protein powders is extremely common. This is true not only in the fitness industry but also in the general health and wellness sectors too. To fitness enthusiasts, athletes, people looking to lose weight and the general person just trying to stay healthy, protein powder is a convenient solution to help get in just the right amount of protein every day. (We all know that protein is an essential part of building muscle. Trifocus Fitness Academy’s Personal Training Certification is the perfect fitness course that will show you how to maximise your protein intake. Click here for more information.)
Taking Protein Powders Offers Loads of Benefits
Producing and Repairing Muscle
The body needs protein to produce and repair muscle. This is the main function of this nutrient in the human body. Protein also plays a role in the manufacturing of hormones and enzymes. It is vital in repairing our muscles, especially after a tough, intense training session. Without enough protein, we wouldn’t be able to heal so quickly which could delay our results, hamper our goals and possibly even lead to injury.
If you are extremely busy and always on the go, eating six meals a day to try and consume enough protein may not be possible. That is where protein poweder becomes convenient. It allows us to consume enough protein throughout the day even when we are busy and on the go.
Don’t think that just because you can’t get your hands on your protein powder you can’t get your daily recommended dose of protein. Says Shannon Clark who has a degree in exercise science and sport performance and has been working in the health and fitness field for over 10 years:
“When most people hear the word ‘protein supplements’ they’ll usually automatically assume that the discussion is going to be based around protein powder. There are many different ways to take in additional protein in your diet through using supplements though than just by using standard protein powders.”
Nutrient Timing
Your window straight after a personal training session is extremely important. Consuming a source of protein as soon as possible after an intense training session speeds up your recovery. This also helps your muscles grow.
Consuming a protein shake is, therefore, the easiest and most convenient solution for your to grow your muscles as you can mix and have the protein shake while walking out of the gym. The protein needs to get into your system as quickly as possible. A protein shake is more easily digested than whole foods, which makes it the better option.
Protein powders usually contain all the essential and non-essential branched-chain amino acids your body needs. Whole foods could lack certain BCAAs, depending on what you are consuming.
Consuming protein powder regularly and making sure your body gets enough protein has helped thousands of people lose weight. Protein essentially helps you build lean muscle. The more of this you have, the more fat your will burn at rest in order to maintain it. Therefore, you expend more energy (calories) and fat leading to weight-loss.
Protein is a foundational nutrient for your body. This means that it is imperative not only to reaching your goals but maintain good health, muscle and bones. Regardless of how you get in your protein every day, you need to ensure that you get enough of it. (To learn more about nutrition courses and how you can benefit from sources of protein, click here.)
Too much protein can cause untold damage. Watch this video to find out more.
Contact Trifocus Fitness Academy
Consider a Specialized Nutrition course if you are interested to learn more about protein and other nutrients and essential food groups the body requires for optimal health and wellness.