What Are The Greatest Exercises And Stretches For Patellar Tendonitis?

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Personal/Fitness Training Blog

Workout after workout, you’re working towards your goals. Take it easy? Heck, no! So you push and push and then push some more. And then, one day, you feel a little twinge of pain just below your kneecap. It’s tender the next day as well… and even worse the day after that. Pretty soon, that knee barks just going up a flight of stairs.

Welcome to the patellar tendonitis club, a group nobody wants to join.

If you’ve joined the club it’s time to tap the brakes a little bit on your routine. Overdoing it led to this injury, so you’re not going to overpower it into submission. Getting back to 100% requires a smart — and deliberate — approach.

Here are some examples of exercises – as well as stretches – for you to try if you are suffering from patellar tendonitis. The exercises could be suggested for a condition or for rehabilitation. Begin each exercise slowly. Ease off the exercises if you begin to experience pain.

Quadricep Stretch

  • Support yourself on a wall and then stand on one leg.
  • Bend your other knee as far back as you can.
  • Keep up this position for as long as you are able to, aiming for 15 seconds, then 30 seconds, then 1 minute. You’ll feel a stretch at the front of your thigh on your bent leg.

Hamstring Stretch

What this helps: The stretch can increase flexibility as well as loosen up your hamstrings and hips, allowing improved range of motion in your knee and pelvis:

  • While sitting on a chair, extend one leg out. Keep your knee straight and then rest your heel on the floor.
  • Lean forward slowly until you feel a stretch in the back of your leg. Bend through your hips. Keep your back straight.
  • Hold for 30 seconds. Switch legs and repeat. Do three sets.

Straight-Leg Raises To The Front

  • Make sure that you lie down flat on your back, on a mat, with your good knee bent. Your foot must be flat on the floor. Your affected leg needs to be straight. Ensure that your lower back has a normal curve. You should have the ability to slip your hand in between the floor as well as the small of your lower back, with your palm pressed onto the floor and then your back touching on the back of your hand.
  • Tighten your thigh muscles in your impacted leg by pressing the back of your knee flat down to the floor. Maintain your knee in a straight position.
  • Making sure that you keep your thigh muscles tight as well as your leg straight, lift your leg straight up so that your heel is around 30 cm off the floor.
  • Hold for approximately six seconds, then lower your leg gradually. Rest for not more than 10 seconds between repetitions.
  • Repeat between eight and 12 times.

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