If you want to annihilate fat, get into shape, as well as rock everything that comes your way—both inside and outside of the gym—lifting weights is where it’s at. And experts agree with us: Heavy weightlifting is in! You can’t swing a kettlebell at the moment without hitting some workout guru, exercise programme, or book advising people not to only lift weights but lift heavier weights.
Gone are the times when lifting weights was only for bodybuilders in addition to pro athletes. In fact, personal training experts make the recommendation that all adults should do at least two full-body strength-training workouts per week.
That’s not as we should all seek to bulging biceps or chiselled abs — despite the fact that weight-lifting can (and will) alter the appearance of your muscles. The recommendation to lift weights comes from the mix of all the benefits, from the physical (as well as very visible) to the emotional and mental (in other words, the not-so-visible).
What Is Strength Training?
Strength training — which is also known as weight or resistance training — is a physical activity that is designed to improve muscular fitness via the process of exercising a specific muscle or muscle group against external resistance. These types of external resistance include:
- Free-weights,
- Weight machines, or
- Your own body weight.
The fundamental principle of strength training is to apply a load and then overload the muscle so that it needs to adapt as well as get stronger. Strength training is an essential part of your overall fitness. In addition, it benefits people of all ages, specifically those with health issues such as obesity, arthritis, or even a heart condition.
It is recommended that children as well as adolescents, who are aged between six and 17 include strength training into their every day 60 minutes of physical activity, three days per week. Adults should aim to do moderate or intense muscle-strengthening workouts that target all muscle groups two days per week.
Lifting Weights Improves Your Balance
Perhaps you would like to finally nail that one-legged yoga pose or climb and descend the stairs without feeling wobbly. No matter your fitness goal is, strength training can function to support your stability.
Many strength-training movements necessitate balance and mobility from your body. As you move in diverse planes of motion – as well as at different angles while strength training – your major muscle groups and the lesser muscles throughout your body become stronger and more stable.
Falls are the primary reason for injury-related death in adults over 65 which means that feeling stable and balanced in your body becomes increasingly important as you age.
Strength Training Is Great For Posture
Being trapped in one position all day — such as sitting at your computer — fatigues the stabiliser muscles in your torso. These play a major role in your posture. Regular strength training will assist you with moving more throughout the week, but it also assists with increasing the endurance of the muscles in your trunk which are responsible for proud posture.
If you have any health challenges, ask your doctor what kind of strength training is best to meet your requirements and abilities. You can also work with a highly skilled personal trainer who will design a strength-training programme that will be safe and efficient for you.
Contact Trifocus Fitness Academy
If you want to become a guru at strength training then you need to become a personal trainer with our Personal Training Diploma. For more information, please follow this link.