What’s Included in a Personal Training Programme?

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Personal/Fitness Training Blog

So you’ve been doing your own thing at the gym for a while now. Some days you do a bit of cardio training, other days you dabble in weight training. But you never feel like you’re really getting anywhere. While you’ve been at the gym, you’ve seen personal trainers training their clients. You’ve seen them putting their clients through their moves, pushing them and motivating them to achieve their goals. At the back of your mind, you know that this is something that you should be doing but forget about it and keep on with what you’re doing. But now you’ve decided that you want to hire a personal trainer and achieve your fitness goals. But, the question that you’re probably asking, is what will be included in the personal training programme and what you’re in for. Don’t worry! In this article, we’ll put some of your fears at rest and will outline the general content of a personal training programme.

Personal training programme content

First step is assessment

Before anything happens, the personal trainer that you choose will perform an assessment on you in order to gauge where you are in terms of your fitness levels. They will get you to perform a variety of tests that will help them gauge where you are at. For example:

  • They’ll test your cardiovascular fitness by getting you to perform various heats on a spinning bike.
  • A personal trainer will assess your endurance with a test such as the push-up test. During this assessment, you’ll have to do as many push-ups as possible in one minute, or until you fatigue, without compromising on your form.
  • Flexibility will be tested with the lunge test.

The reason why fitness assessments are so important before you start with a personal training programme is so that the trainer doesn’t give you exercises that you can’t manage before you have the physical capability to do so. In areas where you’re weaker, the personal trainer will ensure that they give lighter exercises and build up your strength and stamina.

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Build up your body

Once the personal trainer has assessed your fitness levels, they will devise a training programme for you based on what fitness goals you want to achieve and what your physical capabilities are.

There are a number of forms of physical fitness. These are worked though:

  • Cardiovascular/aerobic exercise,
  • Anaerobic exercise,
  • Joint flexibility,
  • Muscular endurance and strength.

For optimal health, you should develop equal strength in all of these areas. However, many people find that they are lacking in one or two areas. It’s the personal trainer’s job to work on these areas which aren’t so good and to make sure that you achieve all-round physical fitness.

Advise what to eat

If you don’t eat cleanly your body won’t function properly. The ultimate result of this is that you won’t get the results that you want out of your training.

A personal trainer will be able to advise you on what to eat before, after and between sessions so that you can get the best results from your personal training programme. You’re more than welcome to say that you don’t want this advice but keep in mind that training and nutrition are two sides of the same coin: purely training will – and eating copious amounts of junk food – probably not get you that ripped body you want…

Each and every session in a personal training programme is tailor made to a client’s needs. If you feel that an aspect of your training isn’t working for you, speak up and tell your trainer! They are not mind readers and rely heavily on your feedback to give you the best possible service out.

Contact Trifocus Fitness Academy

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