What Is The Reverse Grip Bench Press? Read this article.

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Personal/Fitness Training Blog

The No. 1 objection that people have about the bench press exercise is that it hurts their shoulders. Getting around this challenge can be as straightforward as flipping your hands around on the bar. The reverse-grip (palms-up) bench press takes pressure off your shoulders while – at the same time – working your pecs. This exercise targets your triceps to an even greater degree than standard bench presses allow.

The Reverse Grip Bench Press Stats

One study demonstrated that using a reverse grip on the bench press – flat bench and not incline – boosted subjects’ upper pec activity by 30%. And when you progress from a flat bench to an incline, it’s supposed to hit the upper pecs even more, correct? Yes, it does. However, research has shown that it’s only between a 5% and 10% increase. (However, the front delt activity improves by over 30%.)

Now, compare a flat bench press with what most consider to be “the standard” for upper pec development, in other words the incline bench press. Muscle activity only increase by about 5%, perhaps 10%, on the incline. On the very same bench – a flat bench – merely by changing your grip to a reverse grip, it improves the upper pec activity by a figure of 30%.

Long story short. If you’re attempting to hit more of your upper pecs, the reverse-grip bench press NEEDS to be a part of your chest-training range. If you still want to keep to the incline bench, that’s fine. Just know that if your upper pec development is a problem for you, the reason might just be that you’re focusing on the incline versus using the reverse grip on presses.

How Do You Do The Reverse Grip Bench Press?

The reverse grip bench press is done utilising the same type of equipment as the traditional bench press. In particular, you’ll require an Olympic barbell, weight plates, a flat bench with J-hooks on a rack, and preferably, safety pins.

As with the traditional bench press, you can utilise a power rack as well as flat bench or any similar set-up which allows you to lie on your back on the bench and then unrack the barbell. As this will likely be a new movement for you, begin with just the bar and very light weight for the first couple of weeks as you learn about the movement pattern.

Ultimately, you will be able to move heavier weights with the reverse grip bench press, however you will need to practise the correct technique before loading the bar with extra weight. There are a few fundamental differences between the traditional and reverse grip bench press, all of which revolve around the usage of a supinated grip as opposed to the pronated grip that’s utilised in the traditional bench press.

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