Why Cardio and Strength Training Are Both Equally Important

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Personal/Fitness Training Blog

Attempting to find a workout routine which fits snugly into your already-packed schedule may be challenging. When confronted with this dilemma, many of us try to solve the problem by choosing either cardio or strength training. And not without precedent — even from inside the fitness world, you have individuals who swear by cardio and those who absolutely adore pumping weights. The truth is that fitness is all about balance. You require a balanced diet as well as a balanced workout. This is why both types of training are important. In addition, the best workout programmes include a dose of strength in addition to a dose of cardio.

It’s easy to be attracted to one type of exercise as we find it fun or convenient. And then, when we feel like we’re suitably challenged, there’s no need to look beyond, right? Well, no. There’s a place for cardio and strength training in your workout routine.

When It’s Time For Cardio

The best way in order to evaluate if it’s time for a bit of slow, steady cardio work is when you’re feeling the notorious DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness). In addition, your fitness watch can help you to programme your workouts and ensure you fully recover between hard cardio or strength sessions.

Learn the best way of listening to the signals that your body is giving you. Then, check what your fitness watch is suggesting. Then, alter the intensity of your workouts accordingly. There’s no point in leaping into a HIIT exercise session post-weights, or even the day after lifting, if your muscles are feeling sore as well as too fatigued. Instead, why not jump on your treadmill and maintain a pace which doesn’t get your heart rate into the orange-red zone (85-100% maximum intensity)?

Your fitness goals are paramount in determining the best time to perform cardio or strength, and the time-lapse between them is important.

What Strength Training Does For You

Most obviously, strength training makes you stronger. This means that you’re better able to lift weights. However, getting stronger also means building strength resources to do better in other sports. For example, strong legs to help you to run up hills. It also means you’ll be stronger in day-to-day life. Chores – such as carrying groceries or raking up leaves – will feel easier.

Our muscle mass reduces with age however the more muscle that you have to begin with, the better off you will be. There’s no such excuse as “too old” to train. Actually, the older you are the more critical it is.) Loss of muscle, which is called sarcopenia, contributes to the probability of falls and fractures. Exercise slows, and can possibly reverse that loss.

Strength training also assists with bone health and joint flexibility. People who perform strength training also tend to have better balance and may have an easier time controlling their weight.

Contact Trifocus Fitness Academy

To gain a thorough grounding in both strength and cardiovascular training, we strongly suggest that you do our Personal Training Diploma. For more information, please follow this link.

Trifocus Fitness Academy- Personal Trainer