Why recovery days are so important in your training programme

Personal/Fitness Training Blog

In quite a lot of training and exercise programmes, one of the most important components is often left out or neglected. This component is rest and recovery. It is important to plan or schedule recovery days in between training. This is because not planning recovery days in between your workout routine you can actually limit your ability to train. As your body becomes stronger after the stress of exercise stress so you need to allow downtime for rebuilding muscle tissue.

Protein for rebuilding muscle

Protein is a vital macronutrient which assists in building muscle, repairing tissue as well as making enzymes in addition to hormones. Protein powder is a nutritional supplement which many people do take. Making use of protein powder may also help with weight loss and assist people with toning their muscles. There are a lot of different types of protein powder. These include dairy-based and plant-based powders. Health benefits of protein powder

Why an effective training programme has regular periods of rest

An effective training programme will have regular periods of rest and recovery. This also allows adaptions to the exercise. When you come back to the exercise you will return bigger, stronger as well as faster. Rest also allows you to recover mentally and emotionally as well as to avoid exercise burnout.

The body repairs as well as strengthens itself during in the time between workouts. Unfortunately, continuous training can actually result in the strongest fitness participants being weakened.

Rest days are critical to fitness performance for a number of reasons. Some are physiological and, in addition, some are psychological in nature. Rest is physically required  so that the muscles can repair, rebuild and strengthen. For recreational fitness participants, building in rest days can help to keep a better balance between home, work as well as fitness goals.

Trifocus Fitness Academy - recovery days

The consequence of training too much

In the worst-case circumstance, too few rest as well as recovery days may lead to overtraining syndrome. This is a difficult condition to recover from. Overtraining syndrome occurs in fitness participants who are training for a specific goal and train beyond the body’s ability to recover. When training harder and longer to reach a goal, without adequate rest in order recover the training programme backfires and actually decreases performance.

Conditioning necessitates a balance between overload as well as recovery. Too much overload, in addition to too little recovery, can result in both physiological and psychological symptoms of overtraining.

The necessity to balance exercise with rest and recovery

It is this alternation of adaptation and recovery that takes the fitness participant to a higher level of fitness. High-level fitness participants need to realise that the greater the training intensity as well as effort, the greater the need for planned recovery. Monitoring your workouts with a training log or, better yet with the help of a personal trainer, paying attention  to how your body feels as well as how motivated you are is extremely helpful in determining your recovery needs and modifying your training programme accordingly.

Contact Trifocus Fitness Academy

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