Unlike an aerobic activity (for example, running) where you can feel that your heart is being strengthened with every noticeable beat, the direct health effects of Pilates can be a bit less obvious—though this doesn’t imply that your body isn’t loving you for putting it through its Pilates paces just the same.
Some people think Pilates is only for the young and limber, but don’t let that discourage you from trying it and experiencing the health benefits that can bring. Several of the exercises that you’ll do in a Pilates session are done in a reclining or sitting position. Most are low impact and just partially weight-bearing. This makes it a safe activity for most individuals. Moreover, Pilates is so gentle that it is utilised in physical therapy facilities in order to rehabilitate injuries.
The nature of the Pilates workout
Pilates is thought to be a low-impact, big result workout routine. It was originally intended to be a workout for dancers who were suffering from injuries. Knowing what it was meant for it should not come as a surprise that the series of movements work out the entire body but also tends to focus more on the core muscles as well as balance.
Pilates is comprised of a series of movements that are slow, disciplined, require a lot of concentration and precision coupled with controlled breathing. As it is not considered cardio, yet it is considered exercise, and as it is so adjustable, Pilates is perfect for those just starting out in the exercise world or those returning from an injury.
Pilates is located in the same exercise family as yoga (mind-body), but is definitely not the same. Pilates is about:
- More balance
- Greater muscle toning
- More stretching
- Increased flexibility
- More mind/body connection
Pilates can be performed as a stand-alone exercise if it is challenging enough in itself however a lot of people do Pilates on their “day off” from a rigorous workout routine.
Pilates helps to increase blood circulation
Increasing blood circulation is one of those important things when starting a good workout routine. All nutrients in your blood can then reach all organs and these will start to work so much better.
Poor blood circulation can lead to several negative symptoms such as flaky skin, hair loss, water retention, headaches, memory loss, bad vision, and much more. There is nothing like a good Pilates workout with apparatus – such as the reformer, Cadillac or barrel to improve your blood circulation without straining your heart.
As you move into and out of Pilates exercises, breathing in deeply through your nose and exhaling completely through your mouth, you also move a large amount of air from the lungs. This improves the blood flow to all working muscles, as well as the other organs in your body.
Pilates is a great choice to improve blood circulation and Joseph Pilates had the importance of this subject in mind when he created his exercise method. Long before heart disease was a common everyday term Joseph Pilates was talking about the advantages of his technique of exercise (which he called Contrology) regarding heart and the health of the entire body. In his book Return to Life, Joseph Pilates states the following, “Contrology exercises purify the blood in the bloodstream and whip it into immediate action with the result that the organs of the body get the benefit of clean fresh blood carried to them by the rejuvenated bloodstream.”
Contact Trifocus Fitness Academy
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