Why Is The Goal Of Pilates Coordination Of Body, Mind And Spirit?

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Pilates Blog

Are you looking for a new exercise to tone as well as strengthen your core? To better your posture and flexibility? A low-impact exercise which you can do at home or, alternatively, in a class? Something to lessen your back and neck pain after long hours sitting at the computer?

Have you considered trying out Pilates?

Pilates is unique in that, as opposed to yoga and other activities, its origin is fairly recent. Pilates was designed in 1920 by Joseph Pilates for the purposes of physical rehabilitation.

The idea behind Pilates is to achieve flexibility, strength as well as body awareness without building bulk. It is considered to be a resistance exercise, even though, as a newbie, you may experience an increased heart rate. Another distinctive difference is that Pilates has a full mat routine, in addition to exercises which can only be done on specific Pilates machines, such as the reformer as well as the cadillac.

The main goals of Pilates are to:

  • Strengthen the stomach,
  • Improve posture, and
  • Stabilise and elongate the spine and build balance and overall strength.

There are six main principles of Pilates:

  • Concentration,
  • Control,
  • Centring,
  • Breathing,
  • Flow, as well as
  • Precision.

When these key principles are utilised in conjunction with the mindset that you are creating a leaner, better you from your core muscles out, Pilates is able to provide that long, toned body you desire.


This highlights that during Pilates you should concentrate on your entire body in order to ensure smooth movements.  This is challenging. During Pilates exercise technique – as well as how exercises are performed – are, in many respects, more important as opposed to the exercises themselves.


Every exercise in Pilates must be performed with control.  Basically it’s about you being in control of your body.


In order to effectively control your body, you need to have a starting place. That place is your centre.  You’ll frequently hear this termed the ‘powerhouse’ which is a term that means your centre. This term encompasses the abs, upper and lower back, hips, butt in addition to your inner thighs.  All movements in Pilates should start from your centre, your powerhouse and flow out to the limbs.


Exercises during Pilates are supposed to flow into each other in order to help build strength as well as stamina.  The utilisation of appropriate transitions and economy of movement is highly prized and is one of the key things which differentiates novice from advanced practitioners.


Pilates is not about performing many repetitions poorly or with poor technique. Conversely, Pilates aims for precise and perfect movement.  With regular Pilates practice and expert instruction, this precision will become second nature eventually and carried over into everyday life.  An expert Pilates instructor is able to tell a lot about a person by just watching them walk.


Typically in Pilates you concentrate on breathing out with effort and in on the return.  Coordinating breathing with your movements is an important part of Pilates. Good instructors will continually remind you when to breathe in as well as when to breathe out. Like everything in Pilates you should concentrate on each breathe and feel the engagement of your powerhouse.

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Trifocus Fitness Academy - Mind Body Specialist