In the field of sports, the fields of sports management and sports administration are closely related. And, sometimes, they can be confused with each other. Although these two professions do work hand in hand, there are some fundamental differences between them. You NEED to know about these variations as these will help you to choose which sporting career path you want to follow. Let’s have a look at the differences between sports management and sports administration.
Sports management vs sports administration
What does a sports manager do?
A sports manager, as the term suggests, manages the business of sports. He or she will manage players’ contracts, marketing and finances of the individual player or team. They are business people involved in sports and are responsible for making sure that the careers of the different sportsmen and -women and/or team are incredibly successful.
Denise Stern, in her article entitled Job Description of a Sports Manager, agrees:
“Sports managers lead diverse and active lives and perform valuable jobs, from the youth sports levels to professional athletes. The job description for a sports manager can be simple or complicated, depending on where you’re located, your school or sports organization size, and your own goals. Understanding the basic duties of a sports manager may help you decide whether this is a field you’d like to enter.”
What does a sports administrator do?
While the job of a sports administrator is focused on the business side of sports, a sports administrator focuses on the daily life of the sports player or team. In other words, sports administrators are intimately involved with maintaining the health and well-being of their athletes, from an administrative point of view.
Mark Burns, Fellow with Sports Symposium, Inc., lists a number of jobs that you can walk into with a qualification is sports administration:
- Athletic director
- General manger
- Associate director of marketing
- Assistant director of facilities
- Director of youth sports
- Media relations director
- Advertising sales representative
- Guest service manager
- Vice president of finance/accounting
- Ticket manager
- Special event promotions manger
- Tournament planner
- Sports information director
- Customer relations director
So what career is for you?
At Trifocus Fitness Academy, we offer superior qualifications in both sports management and sports administration.
In our sports management qualification, the modules are:
- What communication skills a sports manager needs to have
- What ethical behaviour and discipline needs to be present in a sporting environment
- How to manage players, who suffer from disabilities, in a sporting environment
- How to manage the sporting environment
- How to manage HR in sports
- How to manage HIV and AIDS in sports
- Learn how to manage and administer sporting tournaments
- Discover the art of personal developmental training
- Define safety and security in your sporting event
- Learn about sports and fitness marketing
To learn more about this course, and to register, follow this link.
Our Sports Administration Course will equip you with all the fundamental skills that you need to become the best sports administrator you can. Course modules include:
- Apply administrative skills and knowledge
This involves plotting out a comprehensive business plan as well as operational and finance procedures.
- Apply professional values and ethics
Here you’ll learn about how professional ethics and values need to be applied in your sporting organisation.
- Explain what a ‘sports-related’ multi-disciplinary team is
Demonstrate the knowledge that is required to run a sporting facility so that you are clued up on legal and ethical business practices.
Follow this link to sign up for Trifocus Fitness Academy’s Sports Administration Course.
Why choose Trifocus Fitness Academy?
Very simply, Trifocus has a stellar reputation of providing high-quality and comprehensive training in both the sports and fitness industries. Our past students will back us up 100%!
In addition, our accreditations which put us head and shoulders above the rest. For example our Sports Management Certification is accredited by the Culture, Arts, Tourism, Hospitality and Sport Sector Education and Training Authority (CATHSSETA) and the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA ID 60309 Level 5). Our Sports Administration Course is a skills course that is accredited with CATHSSETA ID FIT/CENTADM/4/0082 Level 4.
Contact Trifocus Fitness Academy
All of Trifocus Fitness Academy’s graduates are registered on the Register of Exercise Professionals South Africa (REPPSA). This means that all students who pass through our halls are in line for international health and fitness job opportunities.
So what are you waiting for? Sign up today for Trifocus Fitness Academy’s Sports Management Certification or Sports Administration Course!