What Type of Person should Become a Sports Psychologist?

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Athletes must be in the best physical shape possible to compete. They must also be driven, disciplined, competitive, assertive, focused, committed and have self-confidence. This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to the ideal traits! It takes a lot to be a successful athlete.

In the same way, sports psychologists also need to display certain characteristics to be successful. They must be knowledgeable and have the right education to enhance their clients’ skills. The good news is that you can acquire knowledge through studying a sports psychology course. In this article, we look at the personality type which makes a great sports psychologist.

Someone who can handle the pressure

Professional athletes have to endure immense pressure. This means that  their sports psychologists also must be able to handle equal amounts of pressure. For example, if a professional athlete experiences stress in the form of competition anxiety, they probably aren’t performing the way they should.

And because their sport is their livelihood, there is a chance that the athlete might lose their contract or job if they don’t deal with the anxiety. That’s a lot of second-hand pressure for a sports psychologist to carry. Therefore, if someone is considering becoming a sports psychologist, they need to be able to handle the heat!

A likeable person who adds value

If you have poor interpersonal skills, then you should probably not become a sports psychologist. After all, you will be working with people all the time. So, if you don’t like regularly interacting with people, or they don’t perceive you as likeable, it’s probably best to look for a different profession.

However, being liked is not the only thing that makes a sports psychologist successful. They need to add value and have something real to offer their clients. If someone only wanted to be motivated, there are plenty of motivational posters out there that could probably do the trick. So, sports psychologists must have the knowledge and great interpersonal skills!

Someone who believes in others and can convey that belief

Sports psychologists must grow confidence in athletes. They must motivate them to believe in themselves. They must help cultivate a healthy belief system in them. And to do that, sports psychologists must believe in people and their abilities. In addition, they must be able to communicate that to their clients. Communication is very important for athletes but also for sports psychologists.

There are many different types of motivators out there:

  • Intrinsic Motivators: If an athlete is motivated to perform his particular sport by an intrinsic motivator, he does this because of a driving force in her. For example, a championship golfer getting started with the game because he used to play it with his dad.
  • Extrinsic Motivator: An athlete is said to be motivated by an extrinsic motivator if she plays her sport of choice because of an external motivator, such as the recognition she will achieve from being the best in her field.
  • Incentive Motivators: The athlete who is motivated by an incentive motivator is motivated to take part in the sport by the thought of a winning a prize.

So, the moral of the story? To become a sports psychologist, you must be a positive, tough, likeable person and have a fantastic education to back those traits up.

Contact Trifocus Fitness Academy

Sports psychology is an interesting field that is always evolving. Contact a representative from Trifocus Fitness Academy today to find out more about our Sports Psychology Course. With this under your belt, you’ll be able to help athletes improve their performance and excel in their sport.