Jimmy Gordon Q&A
Why did you choose Trifocus Fitness Academy for your college?
I was told that it is the leading fitness academy in the industry. Also that they are extremely helpful and highly accredited. I was searching for an academy that I knew would see my best interests and assist me with them.
What Course did you just complete?
Fundamentals of a fitness business and I am currently studying for the personal training certificate.
What did you enjoy best about this course?
Simple and easy to understand each and every concept or module. Always helpful and contains a lot of worthwhile knowledge.
How did you like the online learning material what parts of the online experience did you enjoy the most? (if the question is applicable)
The site was easy to manage, good response time, the format was perfect. The interface is very user friendly and the tutorials are helpful.
Would you recommend Trifocus to your colleagues and why?
Yes I would, from personal experience they have been excellent so I’d definitely refer them to whoever wants to join the fitness industry.
How has becoming qualified with Trifocus improved your Life Style and Wellness out look?
Yes it has, I now know a lot more then I did before I started studying.
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