Yoga Blog

The word “Yoga” originates from the Sanskrit word “Yuj”, which means to unite or assimilate the spirit with the physical body. Looking at the history of this ancient exercise form, we learn that it developed between fifth and sixth centuries BC.

The first records of Yoga

The first records of Yoga practice can be found among the Buddhist Nikayas:

  • It speaks of physical, spiritual, and mental practices or disciplines that look to change body and mind positively.
  • It decreases stress.
  • It helps greatly in developing strength and flexibility. Yoga also helps in harmonising our inner self with our surroundings, and bringing peace.

Here is a look at a few benefits that this ancient exercise form has for the mind and body:

1. It improves overall health

There are a variety of forms of Yoga. The benefits are countless. It provides us with all-around fitness, it increases energy levels and decreases the instances of migraines and insomnia. Adho Mukha Svanasana – or Downward Dog – helps to alleviate the symptoms of migraines. Watch this video to find out the correct form:

2. Heart health is improved

Yoga plays an essential role in protecting us from different kinds of heart conditions and diseases. This ancient practice also increases cardiovascular health. Yoga helps to:

  • Reduce blood pressure,
  • Moderate symptoms of heart failure,
  • Increase cardiac recuperation, and
  • Lower cholesterol, blood sugar, and stress hormones.

The deep inhalation and exhalation that is done during Yoga exercises help relax the breathing rate, which decreases blood pressure and relaxes the nervous system. (This bodily system generates stress hormones.) Sukhasana – or easy pose – helps to alleviate stress

3. You’ll get inner peace

‘Inner peace’ refers to a particular state of being, both mentally and spiritually at peace, with adequate knowledge and understanding to keep oneself strong through stages of stress. Harmony, happiness and serenity – which are the basic elements of a peaceful mind – refer to a nature free from the effects of stress. Searching for inner peace is synonymous with Hinduism, Buddhism and self-realisation.

4. The exercise will help to boost the immune system

Yoga helps boost our immune system by improving the flow of blood , reducing stress hormones and stimulating the lymphatic system. This helps protect our body from the negative effects of toxins. Yoga – Prasarita Paddottanasana (Wide Legged Forward Bend) – is a pose that helps with detoxing your body.

5. Posture and flexibility are improved

Yoga helps to tone your body muscles. This ancient practice makes them stronger. This aids in improving your body posture whenever you sit, sleep, stand or walk. Sturdier muscles help avoid sports injuries and other injuries brought about by overexertion. It can aid in enhancing your movement and reduce fatigue.

These are only a few of many benefits that Yoga can have on your general health and overall well-being. So if you are someone who feels itcan help you, as well as others, Trifocus Fitness Academy will help you along your journey.

How to exercise without causing harm?

For most people, simply drinking plenty of water is sufficient to exercise without causing harm. However, if you’re working out especially hard – or if you’re taking part in a triathlon or marathon – you need to take special precautions.

For example, take five to ten minutes to warm up before any exercise routine. Start incredibly slowly. Boost your activity levels gradually unless you are already exercising frequently and vigorously.

Always be extremely aware that training too hard can cause injuries of overuse such as stress fractures, stiff or sore joints and muscles, or inflamed tendons and ligaments. Sports – prompting repetitive wear-and-tear on certain parts of your body – for example swimming (shoulders), jogging (knees, ankles, and feet), tennis (elbows) – are often culprits too. A mix of different kinds of activities and sufficient rest is safer.

Listen to your body. This is key.

Hold off on exercise when you’re sick or feeling tired and fatigued. Cut back you cannot finish an exercise session. In addition, we recommend that if you feel faint after exercise, or if you feel fatigued during the day, cut back on pumping the iron. If you suffer persistent aches and pains in joints after exercising is a sure-fire sign that you’re doing too much.

In the vent that you stop exercising for a while, drop back to a lower level of exercise to start with. If strength training is your thing, we suggest that you lift lighter weights. Alternatively, perform fewer reps and sets.

Our Yoga Certification covers all the aspects of this ancient exercise:

  •  Movement (Asana),
  • Meditation,
  • Mantra,
  • Breathing (Pranayama), and
  • Yoga philosophy.

Enrol now with Trifocus Fitness Academy.