Yoga is all about joining the body, mind, and spirit. At the centre of this link are your body’s chakras or energy channels, including the powerful third eye. In Indian spiritual traditions, chakras are points of energy that flow up one’s spine, each governing and controlling physical, emotional, and spiritual functions, with the third eye playing a pivotal role in intuition and insight.
When the seven chakras are balanced, life energy called “prana” moves through each one without obstruction, providing proper care to all areas of your life. If you naturally allow energy to flow, you will not feel these effects.
The Seven Chakras: Understanding the Energy Centres in Yoga
So according to this theory, there are around seven main Chakras (All of them are related to different aspects of life and health. These energy centres begin at the base of the spine and through to the crown of your head. These are the seven chakras:
Root (Muladhara): The base chakra sits at the bottom of our spine and is all about life and support. You will feel grounded, stable, and safe when your root chakra is aligned. When it’s not laser-focused, you might experience fear and doubt.
Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana): This chakra sits below your belly button and relates to how you express emotions and experience pleasure. A balanced sacral chakra results in fire and joy. If blocked, it will manifest as emotional instability or the absence of creativity.
Manipura, Solar Plexus Chakra: This chakra is in the upper belly, where your power, confidence, and self-esteem lie. When it is in harmony, it shows up as confidence and motivation, but when used in excess or deficiently, low self-esteem might develop, which often leads to stomach problems.
The heart chakra, Anahata, is where love, compassion, and connection are called home. The heart is in the centre, inside of your chest. With a healthy heart and chakra, you can feel and understand love. If it is blocked, you may experience loneliness, jealousy or problems in your relationships.
The fifth chakra is the Throat Chakra (Vishuddha). This chakra governs Speaking, Truth, and self-expression. A good balance in your throat chakra will allow you to speak to people openly and directly. Without harmony, you could be shut down in your communication or have a sore throat.
Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) — located between the eyes, associated with wisdom and understanding. If your third eye chakra is balanced, you can ‘see’ and ‘understand’ better. When it becomes congested, you can become disoriented cum headache.
The crown chakra is found at the very top of the head and represents spiritual attachment and understanding. You will feel unity and know everything. ⠀ If it is not in balance or depression, you may even feel spiritually disconnected.
These seven chakras are strongly linked to physical and mental health. When energy moves freely through these centres, we feel calm and content. In contrast, if one or other of our chakras is blocked or too overactive, we may have physical and psychological problems.
Yoga for Root Chakra Balance: Grounding and Stability
Root Chakra (Muladhara): This command comes from our stability in life, basic trust, and security. It is the monad of the entire chakra system. When a root chakra is healthy and balanced, you will feel secure and stable in life, with enough harmony to survive the challenges of life. However, when this flow gets halted, it creates anxiety, fear, and insecurity.
Regarding yoga practices, those more centred on stability and grounding will help balance the root chakra. From A Mountain Pose (Tadasana), Your Feet Give You a Sense Of Grounding And Connection To The Earth For the more advanced, Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I) and Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II) are intense muscular poses that can also be practised to make you more robust and stable. Child Pose (Balasana)– A good posture makes you feel safe and secure and helps ground you and connect to inner support.
Two other ways to balance the root chakra are yoga poses and pranayama, which are yogic breathing routines. Breathing slowly and deliberately, concentrating on your belly while breathing in, can help clear your mind and root your body, giving you inner peace and strength.
Yoga for Heart Chakra: Opening to Love and Compassion
The heart chakra is Asana, where love meets light and communication. The Heart Chakra is Anahata (meaning unhurt). Your heart chakra has to do with love and kindness, compassion and understanding for yourself and others. However, when it is blocked, we may have issues of emptiness, anger, or emotional distress.
Yoga Poses will focus on various moves that help open up the heart and balance out the heart chakra—Asana (Camel Pose) – A heart-opening backbend that allows energy to circulate the heart centre freely. Use the Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana) or Upward Facing Dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana) to open the chest. Both work wonders.
This centre can also be opened through breathing movements such as Anahata Pranayama (Heart Chakra Breath). Take long, deep breaths and breathe them into your chest, feeling your heart. Now, breathe slowly and free your mind from stress or block.
Those after more love, kindness, and emotional balance must be open through their hearts to make the most out of yogic practices.
Yoga for Third Eye Chakra: Enhancing Intuition and Clarity
The Third Eye Chakra (Ajna) — Perception, Understanding, Clarity of Thought. An attuned third eye chakra lets you see things more clearly, sense more hunches and know better from the deep.
Making yoga moves that force you to focus on yourself and be concentrated helps balance the third eye chakra. In Child’s Pose (Balasana), lying your face on the ground, you press to the third eye region, bringing back focus and awareness. Dolphin pose and downward dog make space along the energy centres of the face, opening up the third eye.
Meditation is by far the easiest way to balance our third eye chakra. Staring at a candle flame for candle gazing meditation (Trataka) is a method that has been practised for ages; staring at a candle’s light helps one focus and think better. Another benefit is that meditating, focusing on the third eye area, opens up the energy centre, and again, this leads to spiritual, intuitive understanding.
Because the Third Eye Chakra is associated with optical function, one does, of course, need to find ways in which to balance this Optical centre, and so, therefore, a method such as Alternate Nostril Breathing may be able to bring right and left-brain hemispheres into Synthesis. This clears your mind and helps to keep you more connected with your inner self.
Our chakras are very power-charged energy centres, as our least health concerns at each level are physical, emotional, and spiritual. These energy centres, when balanced (amongst other things), make us whole-brain sapiens and a tad less reptilian. Yoga (Physical Asanas, Pranayam, and meditation) works as a practice for balancing the chakras.
Practising yoga with awareness of chakras can help you learn the energy stream correctly and correct physical or emotional imbalances. Root chakra poses aid centring. Heart chakra posture opens the heart to love and compassion. Third-eye asana fosters intuition and clarity. Practising chakra-based yoga profoundly affects your well-being and skin, providing you with standard and earth vibrations.
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Frequently Asked Questions
These are the body’s energy centres known as chakras. They are crucial to yoga theory and are believed to affect mental and physical health. The first is at the bottom of the spine, and the last is close to your head. There are seven main chakras. All these chakras connect with our different spheres of mind, social and physical health. When these centres are harmoniously balanced, light and energy move effortlessly through us, promoting health and tranquillity. At the same time, blockages in the chakras can lead to mental or physical issues.
Root Chakra (Muladhara)- If you feel safe, stable and grounded. We are secure in our bodies and grounded when we are balanced. Balancing the root by practising grounding poses in yoga-like Mountain Pose (Tadasana), Warrior I (Virabhadrasana I), and Child’s Pose (Balasana). It takes these poses to work on that axis to the floor and that stability. These positions make you secure and allow you to relax from stress or concerns. Within these exercises, when you do deep belly breathing, you further the better mind and help take balance to the root chakra. Depending on your anxiety and stress level, establishment-of-yourself-yoga poses can make you feel more sure-footed and solid established, leaving you less stressed and nervous.
Asana (4th chakra – heart) is the meeting point of love, compassion and mental liberation. You need yoga poses that move into the heart when it comes to opening and balancing. Yoga poses such as Ustrasana (Camel Pose), Setu Bandhasana (Bridge Pose), and Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward Facing Dog) help to open up the chest and free up the flow of energy through the heart chakra. These workouts can also reduce your mental anxiety and help you to feel more loving and caring.
The Third Eye Chakra — AjnaChakra of perception, understanding, clear thinking, and Cognitive practice yoga poses that help you tune into yourself and concentrate on the moves. — Any yoga move should focus on self-connection and concentration to balance the third chakra. Child Pose (Balasana) ~ where your forehead touches the ground can stimulate this chakra, enhancing cognition and presence. In addition, the face focus in Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana) or Dolphin Pose helps to activate the third eye chakra. Meditation and breathing practices like the Alternate Nostril Breathing—Nadi Shodhana are fantastic for balancing the third eye because they stabilise the energies of the mind and increase your alert perception, making it super effective in activating this chakra.
The blockage in chakras may lead to different physical or mental issues. As an illustration, failing to balance your Root Chakra may bring about a lack of safety or anxiety and affect the problems in your legs or lower back. When the Heart Chakra is blocked, it leads to emotional suffering, relationship difficulties, or a sense of isolation. Within the body, it can present as chest tightness or shortness of breath. For instance, with a poorly functioning third eye chakra, you may have difficulty thinking through things. Yoga can help realign this balance by flushing out those energy centres through specific asanas (exercises), pranayama (breathwork) and meditation. Balancing the chakras leads to better health, both physical and mental.
Regarding chakra balancing through yoga, the key lies in poses, breathing exercises and meditation techniques that correspond with each. Step 1- Identify which chakra is out of balance by how you feel or what you are going through. For example, if you’re feeling scared or unsure, practice poses rooted to the ground, such as Mountain Pose, for your root chakra. Being more emotionally open: practising heart-opening poses like Camel Pose. You can do one pose related to the third eye: the Child’s Pose. You can also do pranayama (breathing exercises), such as alternate nose breathing for the third eye chakra or deep belly breathing for the root chakra to help you get grounded.