What Exactly Does A Nutrition Coach Do? Find out in this article.

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Nutrition Blog

Working as a nutrition coach is something which you can do as a stand-alone career or as an additional offering for your personal training clients. Either way, you’ll see that the heart and soul of this job is quite similar to training and fitness: you are assisting people make real, lasting as well as positive health changes.

What’s quite different about nutrition coaching are the nuts and bolts of the knowledge which you impart to your clients as well as the tasks you’ll do with them. For many individuals, making changes to eating habits and food choices is much more challenging than adding in workouts and fitness. Your tasks as a nutrition coach will include straightforward tasks (such as making meal plans) but also finding ways to take away the psychological and emotional barriers which keep people from eating well.

In order be a good nutrition coach – and to help your clients – your tasks begin with determining their nutritional level. When you know where they stand you are then able to develop and assign specific and individualised tasks that help them set and meet health as well as nutrition goals.

How Nutrition Coaches Can Make A Big Difference In Their Clients’ Lives

In order to make a real difference, nutrition coaches need to look at the bigger picture—at a client’s fitness, lifestyle as well as nutrition as a package. Client goals cover well beyond weight loss but, even for goals which have nothing to do with the scale, nutrition plays a crucial role.

The food and drink that a person ingests is a large piece of the puzzle. As a general rule of thumb, weight loss is usually 75% diet and 25% exercise. An evaluation of more than 700 weight loss studies found that people see the biggest short-term results when they eat smartly.

In order support positive behaviour change that will persist in the long term, nutrition coaches must view their clients’ health and wellness as a larger entity with many moving parts. Exercise and nutrition are just two (although two of the most powerful). Fitness professionals need to focus on helping clients to make lasting lifestyle changes.

After all, reaching health- and fitness-related goals is not a quick fix or a one-time event, however rather a lifelong journey. Fitness professionals and nutrition coaches can provide their clients with the knowledge and skills required to make positive behaviour changes that last a lifetime.

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Is There A Big Difference Between A Health Coach And A Nutrition Coach?

Nutrition coaches and health coaches have one common goal: educating and assisting others to lead better, healthier lives. They both seek to engage with people dynamically, to maximise their well-being and produce sustainable life-transforming, behavioural shifts. Nutrition coaches, however, tend to put a greater emphasis on food and nutrition science as the powerful thread that weaves together every other aspect of a person’s health.

Contact Trifocus Fitness Academy

If you would like to become an advanced nutrition and exercise coach then you need to do our Advanced Nutrition and Exercise Coach Course. Follow this link to find out more.

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