5 Trends That Will Shape The Fitness Industry In 2021

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Personal/Fitness Training Blog

Another year, another fitness goal that runs the risk of being lost into the abyss. Even with the global crisis, people have been hitting the gym in an attempt to meet their 2021 fitness goals. However, these numbers are not nearly the same as in previous years.

While gyms have been restructured to accommodate social distancing and safe training conditions, our rediscovered commitment towards a healthier version of ourselves has become more important than ever. Having said this, 2021’s world of fitness is set to change in an attempt to safely navigate the “new normal”.

5 Fitness Trends To Look Out For In 2021

  1. Digital Coaching

With fitness centres and gyms still trying to find their feet in a world plagued by COVID-19, people have needed to find a way to get their daily workout in. As a result, digital or virtual coaching has become a go-to for many. The adjustment to distant training has had its own set of challenges. Still, as more and more people began to look into this method of training, these challenges were addressed to ensure that people can receive the same quality training they’re used to without leaving the house.

  1. Building Home Gyms

As the reality of the pandemic began to set in, people flooded to local sports good stores to buy equipment for their home gyms. While many opted to flog these goods as soon as the gyms reopened, many have found that the convenience of working out from home to be something that they enjoy. The threat of the pandemic is once again affecting people and the comfort of staying home – where it’s safe – is a luxury many are trying to invest in. Before the pandemic, few people were interested in building a home gym. However, more and more people are opening up to the idea and slowly investing in the equipment to do so.

  1. Working Out Outside

We’ve seen individual team sports slowly make its return to the world. Enclosed spaces can easily become cramped and a health risk, which is why outdoor training has become a standard. We’ve also seen more people opting to go for daily walks and runs in an attempt to get out of the house and spend some time in the fresh air. These trends are likely to continue into the future.

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  1. Mindfulness Is Important

To cope with the uncertainty of the pandemic, many people have looked into improving their mind/body connection. Focusing on mental health has also become increasingly important in a world that is constantly changing and a future that is uncertain. As people look for ways to cope with it all, mindful exercises have become increasingly popular.


  1. Results-Driven

The world has become more health-conscious than ever before, with many people looking to achieve results through exercise. As more and more people push to lead healthier lives, we have seen the move from recreational workouts to productive workouts.

2021 is a year of opportunity. The world may be changing, but these trends are set to stay and by incorporating them into your fitness plan, you’ll be able to make the most of your journey to a healthier, happier self.

Contact Trifocus Fitness Academy

To be truly successful in the fitness industry, you need to be a master of the basics and stay on top of the trends. At Trifocus Fitness Academy, we are here to help you to do this with our Personal Training Diploma. For more information, please follow this link.

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