Do You Know How To Make Your New Year’s Fitness Resolutions Stick?

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Personal/Fitness Training Blog

As any year comes to a close, millions of individuals all across the country are preparing themselves for the beginning of a new year. As has been the case for any years, people use the new year as an opportunity to begin fresh. Millions of New Year’s fitness resolutions are set with the hopes of improving a person’s life.

The beginning of any new year is the absolute best time to set new fitness goals for yourself. While putting fitness goals in place for yourself is commendable and will undoubtedly improve both your physical health including your mental health, it can be extremely difficult. That’s why so many individuals never follow through with them.

In this blog post, we have a closer look at how you can stay on track and complete your fitness goals.

Begin By Asking Yourself, “Why?”

A new year’s fitness resolution is seldom about fitness. It’s very important to ask yourself why this fitness resolution is quite important to you on a much deeper level:

  • What is your driving force?
  • What makes you jump right out of bed in the morning?
  • What keeps you up at night?
  • What’s motivating you to make a change?

Establish precisely what that something is and then use it to push yourself to keep going when you feel like giving up.

Set Short-Term And Long-Term Goals

Short-term fitness goals should be measured or tracked easily, such as monthly weight loss, strength gains or time gains. Establish reasonable and manageable timelines for each of these goals. For instance, lose 8 kilograms in four weeks, cut out all processed foods for a week, or drop your kilometre time from 10:00 to 9:30 in seven weeks.

Don’t plan your fitness goals on a whim. Sit down and do some tough thinking about what you would like to achieve in the immediate future. After this put a plan together which outlines what your everyday or weekly routines will be. If you are not sure of what “reasonable” as well as “manageable” mean for your targeted goals, perform some research, ask a fitness coach or personal trainer if you know one/work with one, or contact friends who have experienced a similar journey already.

As for long-term fitness goals, this is where you really need to think big. Working on your running this year? Sign up for that half marathon and decide what you want your targeted finish time to be. Attempting to lose weight? Set a total-kilograms-lost goal for the year (utilising your short-term goals to make sure that you are kept on track).

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Establish A Set Workout Schedule

Another vital aspect of sticking to your New Year’s fitness resolutions is putting together a set workout schedule. If at all possible, workout at exactly the same time as well as the same place every single day. This will help you put together a routine while also assisting you to form strong habits. Review your schedule and find a daily time where you can fit in exercise without interfering with other parts of your life.

Hint: Take pictures of yourself every month in order to monitor your progress. It’s always simpler to see the before or after when compared side-by side. Finally signed up for those rowing courses at the next boathouse? Assemble a team for the regatta in the fall. The long-term New Year fitness resolution goal should be a significant mile-marker in your 365-day journey to a fitter, healthier you.

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