Would your Fitness Business Benefit from using Kettlebells?

Fitness Business Benefit from using Kettlebells
Personal/Fitness Training Blog

Kettlebells offer an effective complete-body workout at less than the price of expensive machines and equipment, and target core muscles in a way that barbells and dumbbells simply can’t. Is it any wonder that the popularity of exercises that make use of these items is growing ever popular? If you run a fitness business, this presents an interesting opportunity for you to cut into a market where kettlebells form a central part of your designed routines. But before you rush out and buy sets of them for your facility, here are some of the top advantages to making use of them.

Include Kettlebells in your Fitness business

Add to an all-round repertoire

The fitness industry is getting more competitive each year, which means that you should be looking for a service that gives you an edge over your competitors. Why not offer kettlebell training as part of your programme to appeal to a wider target audience and to make your routines a little more enjoyable for your clients?

Build strength and cardio capacity

Kettlebell routines offer an excellent complete body workout that enables their practitioners to develop strength, stability, cardio and flexibility in one workout. This, incidentally makes it perfect for those who don’t have much time on their hands, which could help you attract clients with busy lifestyles. On the other-hand, the fact that they provide a complete body workout makes it an attractive form of exercise to many people.

Presents a less monotonous workout

Counting reps and sets gets old fast, especially when they are combined with monotonous exercise routines and movements. This type of exercise does nothing to boost motivation in your clients, and motivation is a large part of the job. Kettlebells on the other hand provide less repetitive routines, more complex movements and more varied sets. This means that you can hold the attention and drive of your clients with more interesting routines.

No space limitations

Kettlebells are remarkably portable, and their routines also require very little space to be done effectively. This means that they can be used just about anywhere, making them perfect for your facility no matter what type of setup you have. This also lets you take your workouts outside; and considering it is the start of summer, this could be a bonus that your clients come to appreciate.

Has a wide interested demographic

The exercise routines that make use of kettlebells are generally suited to most ages and body-types, which means that they will appeal to a wider audience if used as a tool to attract customers to your facility; broadening your potential client-base.

Contact Trifocus Fitness Academy to learn more

If you would like to learn more by taking an online kettlebells course through an internationally accredited institution, feel free to contact Trifocus Fitness Academy today, or visit our website for further details on our courses, and how to enrol in them.


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