How Dancing Improves Cholesterol And Fitness In Postmenopausal Women

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Personal/Fitness Training Blog

Postmenopausal women are quite susceptible to weight gain, overall/central body adiposity increases, as well as metabolic disturbances, which together, increases cardiovascular risk in addition to a decrease in overall fitness levels.

At the same time, postmenopausal women are frequently less physically active and as a result, often suffer from decreased self-image as well as self-esteem.

A new study, which was designed to analyse the effects of dance practice on body composition, metabolic profile, functional fitness in addition to self-image/self-esteem, has found credible benefits of a three-times-weekly dance regimen. In addition, dance therapy was found to not only improve the lipid profile and functional fitness but also self-image in addition to self-esteem.

Dancing is also known to improve balance, postural control, gait, strength, and overall physical performance.

Other Exercises And Fitness Routines for Lowering Cholesterol

There are a lot of exercise programmes out there, and most types of fitness routines, ranging from walking to running to yoga, seem to have a positive impact when it comes to lowering triglyceride levels and raising HDL. Some great choices include these fitness routines.

Walking, Jogging, Or Running

Which one you decide to select will depend on your stamina as well as your joint health, however all are beneficial. A 2013 study likened tens of thousands of runners to an equal number of walkers and made the conclusion that the amount of exercise was what mattered, not the type. Individuals who exerted the same level of energy when exercising experienced similar benefits, whether they walked or ran. The researchers concluded that walking 4.3 miles at a brisk pace would use the same amount of energy as running three miles.


Cycling spends roughly the same energy as jogging however it’s easier on your joints. If you experience joint pain, it could be best to select cycling over running. Scientists reported – in the Journal of the American Heart Association – that people who cycled to work were less likely in order to develop high cholesterol as opposed to those who didn’t.

Swimming And Water Exercises

Water exercises – such as swimming, water walking as well as participating in water games – can also produce the same results in your cholesterol profile as other aerobic exercises and are very kind to your joints as well.


Lifting weights or doing other resistance exercises – for instance using resistance bands or even your own body weight – is helpful on its own, and particularly as part of an exercise and fitness programme that includes aerobic exercise as well.7


While yoga is usually a low-intensity exercise, studies have demonstrated that it may reduce the risk of heart disease and could positively affect cholesterol levels. A significant review in 2014 found that those who practised yoga regularly showed significant improvement in LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol as well as blood pressure over those who didn’t exercise.

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