How To Add Resistance Training To Your Workout?

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Personal/Fitness Training Blog

No matter what your age or athletic ability, resistance training is the key to flexibility, mobility, improved performance as well as lower injury risk. Anybody, at any fitness level, can and should strength train. And it doesn’t need to take hours at the gym in order to see results.

It’s true that resistance can appear to be intimidating — especially if you’re scrolling through social media and seeing individuals deadlifting double their bodyweight, pressing a loaded barbell high over their head, or doing Superman push-ups where they fly into the air.

However, it’s very important to remember that those are just highlight reels of individuals who have been doing resistance training for a very long time. When they first started, you can be pretty sure that they began small. Those explosive push-ups? It’s probable that they started as a modified, knees-on-the-floor exercise.

The Goal Of Resistance Training

Resistance training for beginners doesn’t have to begin with the goal of getting you to that point. If you want to squat with superheavy weight, starting a strength training programme can definitely assist you with getting there. However, it can also just help you get stronger in ways that will help you in everyday life, as well, whether it’s carrying all the grocery bags into the house in one trip or squatting down to the floor so that you can pick up your not-so-cuddly cat.

Resistance training is one of the out-and-out best ways to assist your body to stay functional as well as healthy for the long run. And as muscle mass could begin to decline as early as in your 30s, beginning a weightlifting programme as an adult can help you maintain – and even build – that strength as you grow older.

Start With Your Bodyweight.

Put simply, resistance training means making use of resistance in order to create work for your muscles. In time, that can mean external weight however – for beginners – that can also mean your bodyweight too. That’s a phenomenal place to start.

Not only can you get a super effective resistance training workout using only your bodyweight, but bodyweight exercises are also a useful way for beginners to become familiar with all the main movement patterns in resistance training. For instance, before you grab a pair of dumbbells for a set of deadlifts, you need to first make sure that you understand the hip hinge — pushing your hips as well as butt backward, keeping a neutral spine and a slight bend in your knees.

Prep Your Muscles Before You Start

A proper warm-up is a very important part of an effective resistance workout. Begin by waking up your muscles using a foam roller. Foam rolling relaxes tight muscles so that they are able to work the way they’re designed to.

A dynamic warm-up is an additional important part of your pre-workout routine as it preps your muscles for the work that they’re about to do and assists with increasing your range of motion. Boosting your range of motion gives you the opportunity to go deeper into those squats and completely extend those bicep curls, which means more muscle recruitment as well as better results.

These two combined lower your risk of injury and give you the opportunity to push harder during your workout.

Contact Trifocus Fitness Academy

If you would like to learn more about resistance training, then you need to become a personal trainer. Check out our Personal Training Diploma here.

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