How To Design An Interval Workout? Find out in this article.

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Personal/Fitness Training Blog

Having a particular purpose to each of your workouts is key. Interval training is a phenomenal way to assist you to achieve specific improvements as you work in order to reach your true potential.

Here is a superb example of an interval progression with a basic premise which may be employed in any endurance sports, whether it be swimming, biking or – alternatively – running. It has two objectives that are key to improving your capacity to do work when you train as well as race:

  • Boost anaerobic threshold.
  • Boost leg speed

By enhancing both your anaerobic threshold as well as your leg speed, you will boost your endurance for longer distances. The workout entails short, intense intervals which are followed by a period of rest. In addition, this type of workout takes into account this work-to-rest ratio.

With increased fitness over time, the intense intervals will get longer and the rest required will get shorter.

How Do Interval Training Workouts Work?

Interval training works both the aerobic as well as the anaerobic system. Throughout the high-intensity efforts, the anaerobic system makes use of the energy that is stored in the muscles (glycogen) for short spurts of activity. Anaerobic metabolism functions without oxygen, however the by-product is lactic acid.

As lactic acid builds, the athlete enters into oxygen debt, and it is in the recovery phase which your heart and lungs work together in order to “pay back” this oxygen debt and then break down the lactic acid. It is in this stage that the aerobic system is making use of oxygen in order to change accumulated carbohydrates into energy.

It’s thought that by doing high-intensity intervals which produce lactic acid in practice, the body adapts and then burns lactic acid more efficiently during exercise. This means that athletes are able to exercise at a higher intensity for a longer period of time prior to fatigue or pain slowing them down.

You Can Do An Interval Workout With Almost Any Exercise

These range from plank hip dips as well as jumping jacks to everyone’s all-time favourite: burpees. That’s because it’s more about intensity as opposed to the specific movements. However, to help you narrow down what to do, perform a mix of moves which force the glutes, quads as well as hamstrings (the body’s biggest muscles) in order to work explosively. Some of our go-to’s include jump squats, plyo lunges in addition to sprints.

Are You Doing It Right?

How would you know if you’re performing your interval training right? Go at between 80 and 95% of your maximum heart rate in the work intervals, and between 60 and 65% during your rest periods. (In order to find your maximum heart rate, just minus your age from 220. After this, work out the percentages from this point.)

If you don’t happen to have a heart rate monitor, push yourself hard enough through the work intervals so that you’re sucking wind. You shouldn’t have the ability to hold a conversation. The key is to make sure that the high-intensity intervals are really done at your maximum intensity.

Contact Trifocus Fitness Academy

If you would like to discover more information about interval workouts, then you need to do our Personal Training Diploma. Follow this link to find out more.

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