How to Do Kettlebell Windmills Like a Pro?

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Personal/Fitness Training Blog

Kettlebell windmills are classified as a compound exercise (i.e., one which works multiple muscle groups) that entails holding a kettlebell above your head while performing a hip hinge. Kettlebell windmills focus chiefly on the shoulders, core, thoracic spine, hips as well as hamstrings. The kettlebell windmill exercise is an overhead loaded stretch as well as strengthening exercise.

What Are The Advantages of Kettlebell Windmills?

As there are different movements involved, there are multiple advantages of doing kettlebell windmills. Kettlebell windmills do the following three things:

  • Stretch the muscles in the hip (piriformis, hip rotator as well as hamstrings),
  • Strengthen the muscles of the shoulders and core, and
  • Stabilise the shoulder.

The exercise increases strength, mobility, and stability. And kettlebell windmills not only challenge your core strength however it also challenges your entire kinetic chain (basically, the notion that joints and segments in your body are all connected, and that movement in one part affects others in the chain). The emphasis is on shoulder/scapular stability, glute activation as well as increasing the range of motion in your hips.

The Proper Form To Adopt With Kettlebell Windmills

When you are first attempting the kettlebell windmill, utilise a smaller kettlebell or no weight at all. As you become more comfortable with the finer mechanics of the move, add on more weight:

  1. Start off with your feet a bit wider than hip-distance apart. Your toes can rotate out just slightly in order to allow for an enhanced range of motion.
  2. Firmly grip the kettlebell with your right hand and then extend your right arm over your head. Your right palm needs to face forwards.
  3. Extend your left arm down in front of your left thigh with your palm facing forward. In this position, your arms need to look like two arms of a windmill.
  4. Hinging at your hips, lower your upper body down and to the left side. Your left hand will remain facing forward while it slides down close to the front of your left leg toward your foot. Keep your right arm steady as well as fully extended overhead.
  5. In the lowest position (with your left hand close to the left foot) your torso will be tipped towards the left however slightly rotated to the right. When done correctly, you’ll feel some weight shift into your right hip.
  6. Reverse the movement. Lift the body while keeping a strong straight spine. Keep your weight steady and elevated over your right shoulder.
  7. Go back to your starting position and start again.

Make sure that you maintain a strong, straight spine during this move. Perform between 5 and 10 repetitions on the right and then put the kettlebell in your left hand. Repeat the sequence bending to the right.

Contact Trifocus Fitness Academy

If you are eager to learn more about kettlebell exercises then you need to do our Kettlebell Instructor Course. Follow this link to find out more.

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