How To Exercise For Your Body Type? Read this article.

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Personal/Fitness Training Blog

Do you experience trouble losing body fat, however seem to gain it after even the tiniest slip up with your diet? Or does it feel as if you can eat for days without gaining a kilogram? It could have a little bit to do with your body type. But is it really that straightforward?

Each one of us has a genetic and physiological design which determine our body type, or somatotype.  Different body types have different answers to certain fitness programmes. So it may be that you or the men and women you see at the gym are doing the correct exercises the right way — but they’re optimal for someone else’s body type, not yours.

It’s a common mistake. It can be easily remedied by correctly identifying your body type — if you’re an ectomorph, a mesomorph, or an endomorph — then determining how to challenge your body with the right regimen.

What Are The Three Main Body Types?

The three fundamental human body types are the:

  • Endomorph,
  • Mesomorph, as well as
  • Ectomorph.

These categories were created in the 1940s by psychologist William Herbert Sheldon. And while some facets of Sheldon’s system have been debunked, modern research has confirmed that body type does indeed have implications for athletic performance.

Regardless of what it may feel like at times, you’re not totally bound to one category or the other! Research has demonstrated that both diet and training can influence your somatotype so allowing you to change the script over time.

Here is an explanation of the various body types.


  • Sturdier bone structures with larger midsection and hips.
  • Carries more fat throughout the entire body.
  • Gains fat quickly and loses it slowly.
  • Naturally slow metabolism potentially owing to chronic conditions (e.g., thyroid deficiency, diabetes) but too often the result of a sedentary lifestyle as well as chronically-positive daily energy balance.

When it comes down to training as an endomorph, HIIT training is recommended. When training endomorphs, the main concentration should be on fat loss. Endomorphs usually have slower metabolisms, so consistent anaerobic and aerobic training routines will assist them increase their metabolism. Workouts with short rest periods, such as Tabata, and circuit training incorporating plyometrics for resistance work are great for these body types.

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  • Medium bone structure with their shoulders wider than the hips.
  • Developed athletic musculature.
  • Efficient metabolism; mass gain and loss both take place with relative ease.

Mesomorphs have it a tad bit easier than the rest. Most have an affective and functioning metabolism as well as a rock-solid foundation of muscle to start with. So when it comes down to training mesomorphs, most of it will come down to their goals in mind. So really, they could train in any way they see fit.


  • Narrower shoulders and hips in respect to height.
  • Relatively smaller muscles in relation to bone length.
  • Naturally fast metabolism makes it challenging for many to gain mass.
  • Potentially indicative of disordered eating (e.g., anorexia, bulimia) when BMI is ≤17.

When it comes down to fuelling and exercising as an ectomorph, Evans recommends resistance and strength training.

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