How To Start Weight Training? Find out more in this article.

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Personal/Fitness Training Blog

If your goal is developing more muscle mass or attaining a fitter, more toned body, lifting weights can assist you with achieving your goals.

Weight training, which is also known as resistance or strength training, is responsible for building lean, stronger muscles, strengthening your bones and joints, and can help with keeping your metabolism in a healthy state. This means that you’ll burn more calories even when you’re resting.

And the advantages of lifting weights aren’t just for young people. Weight training as we get older can help with fighting the loss of muscle mass and mobility, as well as improving psychological well-being.

Weight Lifting For Beginners May Sound Like An Oxymoron To Some People

After everything, if you’re new to the weight room, the whole concept of picking up and putting down heavy things while displaying perfect form seems like a pretty advanced level of physical fitness. How do you learn to utilise a squat rack? And how are you really supposed to know if the weight you’re picking up is too light, far too heavy, or just right?

If your goal is to eventually deadlift your bodyweight, knock out 20 push-ups in a row, or merely to get stronger in ways which will help with everyday life (think about carrying groceries up the stairs, picking up your toddler, or putting luggage into your car—all without strains or muscle pulls), strength training can assist with that.

Your First Day At The Gym

Just getting to the gym is a great start. You need to begin your first workout with a warm-up that consists of 10 minutes of walking or jogging or – alternatively – other aerobic exercise.

Loosen up your body with a few very light exercises at first, then select a weight which is heavier and that starts to feel somewhat heavier as your muscles tire. Weights are not needed for crunches. Rest for at least 2 minutes between the exercises.

Get some instruction if you need it. Don’t over-train at this stage otherwise you will be sore. Do one set of 8–10 repetitions of each of the following exercises:

  • Leg press or barbell squat,
  • Pulldown,
  • Dumbbell arm curl,
  • Triceps pushdown,
  • Fitball crunch,
  • Incline or full bench press, and
  • Deadlift

Safety Tips For Beginning Weight Lifters

It’s important to concentrate on safety when you begin a weight training routine. Pay close attention to your body and also resist the urge to push yourself far too quickly.

To stay safe while weight training, keep in mind that you need to:

  • Wear proper clothing for weight lifting, such as closed-toe shoes and weight lifting gloves if required.
  • Do each exercise slowly, paying close attention to proper form.
  • Use a spotter to assist you with heavier lifts, particularly those that go above your head.
  • Remain hydrated throughout your workout.
  • Inhale before your lift and breathe out during the lift. Never hold your breath when you‘re working out weights.

Immediately stop your workout if you feel a sharp or stabbing pain. If the pain doesn’t dissipate when you finish your workout, seek medical attention. If you have a health condition, speak with your doctor about a weight training and exercise programme that’s safe for you.

In order for you to make the most of your weight training routine, begin with lighter weights until you master the proper weight lifting form. Then increase the weight or resistance slowly so that you avoid injury. Make sure to work all your muscle groups for optimal strength as well as fitness.

Contact Trifocus Fitness Academy

Would you like to discover more about weight training? If you do then you need to study our Personal Training Diploma. Follow this link to learn more.

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