Individuals who are living with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) learn quickly that any exertion, if it’s physical activity or challenging mental problems, has ramifications: They frequently feel worse in the next few days.
The terrible fatigue – as well as other symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome – mean that national suggestions to exercise at least 30 minutes on most days of the week simply are not possible for most individuals with the condition.
One of the problems is that when people talk about exercise, CFS patients say, ‘I can’t exercise because I don’t have the energy, I don’t have the strength. Most of chronic fatigue syndrome patients have been immobilised by their illness for so long that they are “quite de-conditioned,” which means that they don’t have muscle strength and tone. Without muscle strength, even a couple of minutes on a treadmill can lead to severe joint pain.
What Are The Exercise Recommendations For CFS Patients?
But, by taking it slowly and knowing their fitness limits, CFS patients can maintain strength and work exercise into their lives.
Exercise recommendations for CFS patients are not the same as those for the general population. Far from it. In fact, asking someone who is suffering from CFS to go for a 30 minute jog or spend 45 minutes lifting weights may result in even the most functional of patients to crash. Rather, the kind of exercise which in some cases has been advantageous for CFS is Graded Exercise Therapy (GET).
GET usually starts at very low doses and is progressed quite gradually. This approach necessitates that the patients establish a ‘threshold’ of exercise that they can reliably complete without crashing, after which increases in the duration and then intensity of exercise are made.
Daily Activities For CFS Patients
When you’re in a relapse, it may be difficult to get through even simple morning routines, such as a shower. Plan to allow extra time for tasks which are hard for you.
When you feel well again, you might want to try to do as much as you can while you have the energy. Don’t try it. If you push yourself far too hard, you could crash later. Doing this cycle again can drive you right back into a relapse.
You’ll need to learn to balance everyday activities with rest, even when you’re in remission.
What To Eat If You Have CFS
Watching what you eat can assist you with managing your symptoms. Steer clear of any foods or chemicals that you are sensitive to.
A diet that is rich in polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, steering clear saturated fats and refined carbohydrates — for example the Mediterranean Diet — is reported by many individuals with CFS to be useful. Eat a number of small meals during the day. For instance, three meals and three snacks may help keep energy levels up.
Smaller meals may also help control nausea, which sometimes happens with CFS. To assist with controlling energy levels, it’s also a good idea to avoid these things:
- Sugar,
- Sweeteners,
- Alcohol, and
- Caffeine
Contact Trifocus Fitness Academy
Do you want to learn more about exercising with chronic conditions? If you do then you need to study our Personal Training Diploma. Follow this link for more information.