How To Order Your Resistance Training Exercises

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Personal/Fitness Training Blog

Most of us have been raised to know that the order of things matters – socks before shoes, cereal before milk – the list goes on. The same is true for your workout routine – the order in which you train matter and can determine the effectiveness of your routine.

It’s recommended that you start with the harder exercise that covers a larger area of the body and then move onto the smaller exercises. However, there’s no universal framework for structuring your routine; it will vary to meet your needs.

7 Tips For Creating A Programme

  1. Cardio or strength first?

This will depend on your goals. To build muscle, start with low-intensity cardio for about 10 minutes. If you do too much cardio beforehand, you will tire your muscles long before reaching for the weights. Cardio can also act as a great warm-up exercise.

  1. Plyometrics next

Explosive exercises are great for strength training – but only in moderation. On the days that you do plyos, ensure that perform a proper warm-up beforehand and then perform the routine before you take on anything else. This will ensure that you have the energy you need to perform the workout without the risk of injury due to fatigue.

  1. Incorporate compound exercises

Compound, or multi-joint exercises, improve strength, balance, and coordination. It can also help you to improve your endurance while training multiple muscle groups at the same time. Examples of this include deadlifts and squats. The most vital aspect of this exercise is understanding the technique and maintaining the correct form. Compound exercises need to be performed at the beginning of the training session. Single joint and muscle movements work well when you’re tired and should be performed after compound exercises.

  1. High energy exercises

Any form of exercise that requires a sudden burst of energy should be done first to ensure that you’re able to get the most out of your workout. This also assists in reducing the risk of injury, which increases as your body becomes more fatigued.

  1. Circuit exercises

When it comes to completing a circuit, choose workouts that you can safely perform 15 – 20 reps of. This can either be done using your body weight or by using free weights. Ensure that you’re able to perform all reps within the 30-minute workout safely.

  1. Variety keeps it interesting

Challenge your muscles by performing different workouts to reduce the risk of plateauing. Shaking things up will improve the effectiveness of your routine and deliver the results you’re looking for.

  1. Work on your six-pack last

It’s important to remember that compound exercises activate your core and can assist in toning it more than planking or push-ups. If you work on your core before that, your body will be too tired to perform these exercises properly.

While it’s tempting to wing your routine, it can be counter-intuitive. To be able to get the most out of your workout session, structure your session in a way that’s able to best utilise the energy you have available and give you the stamina to push through to the end.

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